Compartiendo con mi mamá y mi novia / Sharing with my mother and my girlfriend (Eng-Esp)

Hola amigos y amigas de la comunidad de family friends, despues de meses inactivo en hive vuelvo con este post, y esta es mi primera vez escribiendo en esta comunidad, no habia escrito más ya que he estado ocupado con el trabajo y los estudios pero ya volví, hoy les voy a contar cómo fue un dia de salida con mi mamá y mi novia

Hello friends of the family friends community, after months of inactivity in hive I come back with this post, and this is my first time writing in this community, I had not written more because I have been busy with work and studies but now I'm back, today I will tell you how was a day out with my mom and my girlfriend.


le habia dicho a ella que ibamos a salir a comer algo y bueno ella fue a mi casa temprano a eso de las 10am

I had told her that we were going out to eat and she came to my house early around 10am.


estuvimos jugando videojuegos y viendo una serie de netflix luego a las 12:00pm almorzamos y 1:00pm salimos a esperar un autobus, llegamos al lugar donde ibamos a ir

we were playing video games and watching a netflix series then at 12:00pm we had lunch and at 1:00pm we went out to wait for a bus, we got to the place where we were going to go.


anteriormente habia salido con mi novia a comer helados en nuestra primera cita y fueron conos de helado pero queria comer luego las cesta y estas son las cestas con dos bolas de helado, la verdad estaba barata y tambien le compré una a mi mamá ya que ella tenia tiempo sin comer helados

I had previously gone out with my girlfriend to eat ice cream on our first date and they were ice cream cones but I wanted to eat the baskets and these are the cookie baskets with two scoops of ice cream, the truth was cheap and I also bought one for my mom since she had a while without eating ice cream.


aqui está mi mamá y mi novia y en la foto de aqui abajo estamos nosotros tres, la verdad estaban muy sabrosos esos helados

Here is my mom and my girlfriend and in the picture below are the three of us, those ice creams were really tasty.


Luego se nos antojó una pizza y la pedí sencilla una margarita con maiz aunque no le pusieron mucho que digamos jejeje, y dos refresco y aparte le compré un nestea de limon a mi novia ya que ella no puede tomar refresco

Then we had a pizza and I ordered a simple margarita with corn although they didn't put much on it hehehehe, and two sodas and I bought a lemon nestea for my girlfriend since she can't drink soda.



Y bueno otra selfie juntos con la pizza, luego terminamos de comer y mi mamá me pidió que le tomara una foto y asi fue cómo salió, mi mamá tenia un tiempo sin salir mucho ya que a ella hace dos años le habia dado Covid y estuvo mal pero gracias a dios se mejoró pero quedaron secuelas y bueno esas secuelas la va superando poco a poco, tambien queria que saliera y pues decidí compartir y brindarle esa pizza y el helado ya que tenia tiempo sin darnos ese lujo, y ya cómo estoy trabajando quise gastar un dinerito que tenia apartado por alli y brindarles y pues tambien lo hice porque ella habia cumplido años y tambien cumplimos nuestro primer mes de novios y no tenia nada para regalarle en ese entonces y pues con esto lo compensé

And well another selfie together with the pizza, then we finished eating and my mom asked me to take a picture and that's how it came out, my mom had some time without going out much because two years ago she had been given Covid and it was bad but thank God she got better but there were sequels and well those sequels she is overcoming little by little, I also wanted her to go out and so I decided to share and give her that pizza and the ice cream because I had some time without giving us that luxury, and since I am working I wanted to spend a little money that I had set aside over there and toast her and so I also did it because she had her birthday and we also celebrated our first month of dating and I had nothing to give her at that time and so with this I made up for it.


Bueno queridos amigos ese fue mi dia en familia el dia de hoy, la verdad estuvo muy agradable el dia y tambien agotador porque caminamos algo y ultimamente ha estado haciendo mucho calor y ese helado nos cayó algo bien, luego tendré muchas anecdotas con mi familia o con mis amigos.

Well dear friends that was my family day today, the truth is that it was a very nice day and also very tiring because we did some walking and lately it has been very hot and that ice cream was good for us, later I will have many anecdotes with my family or with my friends.

Hasta otro encuentro

Until another meeting

traducido con deepl

translated with deepl

todas las fotos fueron tomadas con celular Tecno spark 10

all photos taken with Tecno spark 10 cell phone


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