May Babies Family Celebration

Hi hive friends, Good morning from here, glad to be part of your day, I will be very particular about our May family celebration that happened on Sunday. This was the celebration of four may babies, if you are a may baby please do well to join us on the table. Am from the family of seven, our boys and three girls, out of the seven of us, four of us are may born babies and it has been an event that brings so much joy and excitement. Am glad to share with you guys on our 2024 May Babies family celebration, I know you will be salivating but you can plan to join us next season, that is may 2025.

This year is very unique to us as we decided to host the celebration at home, in the village with daddy and mommy, it was an amazing experience, in the past few years we are often been away from home but we had to bring ourselves home to spent at least few hours with daddy and mommy. As you can see daddy and mommy are advancing in age, but very strong.

Amongst the four of us three are females, am the only male, so I said we should have a complete village life experience of cooking with firewood to remind us of the village life as at before. So I was the one with the camera, while the last born girl said the two elder sisters should not enter the cooking arena, she said the they elder siblings were the once who took care of her when she was younger, so for that she will be in charge of the cooking.

My dad and mom always don’t like things like this, but today we told them that no excuse will work. So we went ahead to finish the cooking and to set the table for the celebration. This really mean so much to me and my other siblings because we have always wanted to celebrate the month of May at home, today we have started it, we hope to continue as God grant us grace.

We as siblings have not been together in a long while, the last time we met was last year but the celebration has brought us together again and we have decided to be doing this every month of may, I know that this will always be challenging but we trust God to help us to make this happen every fifth month of the year.

A few thing that was outstanding in the celebration, was daddy’s declaration of blessing to us, it’s been a while daddy was so excited, the joy was overwhelming, I can see him play and have fun with his wife as if life was just beginning, it was a fun full experience. It was getting late, so we had to finish and to catch up with our journey back, My heart is full of joy as we had a memorable day in our celebration.

I will love to my younger sister @ubong-abasi for doing all the cooking and setting the table for the event. She has really played a major role in the putting things together and making the event a successful one, I know that my last born brother, @duncanek would have love to be here but his location is far and also he is writing his final semester exams but I hope that he will be available by next year to participate in our next year may celebration.

Once again I want to say a big thank you to the #family and friends community for the amazing opportunity to share our joy with you all. Thanks once again for having me @emylight,

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