Happy Travels Cousin - A See You Later [ENG-ESP]



My cousin went to the capital of Ecuador to take his flight to the beginning of his destination. So we decided to go to the terminal to see him off and accompany him for a while before he started his trip. I think this is the first time I go to the terminal with him, as he always came and went, but this time it is different, he is not going to another city, he is going to another country.

While we were saying goodbye to him, my sister and I joked and this made the wait more pleasant, we laughed, we told each other things, we hugged many times and also my parents gave him advice and told him that everything would be fine. It was a very nice moment, especially because of the laughter. We also got to say goodbye to my cousin's nephew and his family, who were also traveling with him.

As I told you in my last post, Javi or Xavier, is my cousin, but legally in Venezuela, he is my brother, since when he was born and they had to present him my uncle was not there and also he did not have papers, so my dad who was legal, had to present him as his son so he could carry the last name. This always made us closer to him.

It was time for departure and although they only allowed those who were leaving to get on the bus, in an oversight of the driver and co-driver, I got on 😂 and I took a picture of him inside the bus and one with me, although I come out weird, since it was a quick shot and meanwhile he was saying: Mr. a stalker hahaha, joking. Then we said goodbye once and told each other that it would only be a see you later, since although we don't know how long it will take us to meet again, we will make it happen.

Mi primo se fue a la Capital del Ecuador para tomar su vuelo hacia el inicio de su destino. Así que decidimos ir al terminal a despedirlo y acompañarlo un rato antes de que emprendiera su viaje. Creo que es la primera vez que voy a acompañarlo al terminal, ya que siempre iba y venía, pero esta vez es diferente, no va a otra ciudad, va a otro país.

Mientras lo despedíamos, mi hermana y yo bromeábamos y esto hacia la espera más amena, nos reíamos, contábamos cosas, nos abrazamos muchas veces y también mis padres le daban consejos y le decían que todo estaría bien. Fue un momento muy bonito, en especial por las risas. También pudimos despedirnos del sobrino de mi primo y su familia, que también viajaban con él.

Como les comenté en mi publicación pasada, Javi o Xavier, es mi primo, pero legalmente en Venezuela, es mi hermano, ya que cuando nació y tuvieron que presentarlo mi tío no estaba y además no tenía papeles, así que mi papá que estaba legal, tuvo que presentarlo como su hijo para que pudiera llevar el apellido. Esto siempre nos hizo más unidos con él.

Llegó la hora de la partida y aunque solo permitían subir al bus a quienes se iban, en un descuido del chófer y copiloto, subí 😂 y le tomé una foto dentro del bus y una conmigo, aunque salgo rara, ya que fue una toma rápida y mientras tanto él decía: Señor una acosadoraa jajaja, bromeando. Entonces nos despedimos una vez y nos dijimos que solo sería un hasta luego, ya que aunque no sabemos cuánto tiempo nos llevará el reencuentro, lo haremos posible.


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