Girls' night out with my sister. / Noche de chicas con mi hermana.

Lulè Cafè Bistro.png

English Version

Sometimes; routine and day to day life make us take for granted the presence and affection of our loved ones.
Especially; the closest ones, but it never hurts to have a detail with those who day by day; love us, accompany and care for us.

This time; I decided to invite my sister to a very nice place that I had seen in social networks called "Lulé Café Bistro" a small place; located in Arcos del Tuy Shopping Center; in Charallave (Charallave is a small city; located in the state of Miranda; it is only 40 minutes away from the city of Caracas).


I had seen this little place on social networks and thanks to the Whatsapp statuses of a friend; so I thought it was the perfect place to spend an afternoon eating something different.

We arrived at the place after sunset, so instead of ordering a coffee and cookies, we opted for a menu more similar to a dinner.

I ordered a hamburger with red fruit juice.
My sister instead ordered a roast beef sandwich; potatoes and red fruit juice.


The atmosphere of the place is pleasant and we accompanied our meal with a nice conversation; remembering pleasant moments and telling us anecdotes of our respective jobs.


The place is small, pleasant, an excellent place to have a good time with family and/or friends; the music is pleasant and the warmth is warm.

The place is run by its owners, who are the barista and the cook, a couple of friends who decided to undertake despite the economic situation that the country is going through.

At the end of our meal, we were prompted to accompany our meal with cocktails, but unfortunately, at Lule Café Bistro, they do not prepare alcoholic beverages, so after our meal, we opted to go to another place nearby, with a good musical atmosphere, called "Restaurant Carne y Vino Grill".


Despite the time, the place was completely empty (maybe because it was not pay day); my sister ordered a traditional Mojito and I ordered a strawberry Caipirinha.


We continued chatting for a while more; enjoying the party atmosphere of the place; but it was getting late and as the place was completely empty; we decided to leave.

To conclude; it is always nice to spend a different time with friends and loved ones; even though the routine sometimes absorbs us.

Thanks for reading all my post!

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Version en Español

En ocasiones; la rutina y el dia a dias nos hacen dar por sentado la presencia y el cariño de nuestros seres queridos.
Sobre todo; los mas cercanos, pero nunca esta de mas tener un detalle con aquellos que dia a dia; nos quieres, acompañan y cuidan.

En esta ocasion; decidi invitar a mi hermana a un lugar muy bonito que habia visto en redes sociales llamado "Lulé Café Bistro" un pequeño local; ubicado en Centro Comercial Arcos del Tuy; en Charallave. (Charallave es una pequeña ciudad; ubicada en el estado Miranda; está a tan solo 40min de la ciudad de Caracas)


Habia visto de este pequeño local en redes sociales y gracias a los estados de Whatsapp de una amiga; asi que me parecio el lugar perfecto para pasar una tarde comiendo algo diferente.

Llegamos al local despues del ocaso; por eso, en lugar de pedir un café y unas galletas, optamos por un menú mas similar a una cena.

Yo; pedi una hamburguesa acompañandola con jugo de frutos rojos.
Mi hermana en su lugar; pidio un sandwich de roast beef; papas y jugo de frutos rojos.


El ambiente del local es ameno y acompañanos nuestra comida con una amena conversacion; recordando momentos agrabables y contandonos anecdotas de nuestros respectivos empleos.


El local es pequeño; agradable; excelente lugar para tener un compartir con familia y/o amigos; la musica es amena y el calor

El lugar; es atendido por sus dueños; quienes son, el barista y el cocinero; un par de amigos que decidieron emprender a pesar de la situacion economica que atraviesa el pais.

Al terminar de comer; nos provocó acompañar nuestra comida con cócteles; pero, desafortunadamente; en Lule no preparan bebidas con contenido alcoholico; asi que; al terminar nuestra comida; optamos por ir a otro local cercano; con buen ambiente musical; llamado "Restaurant Carne y Vino Grill"


A pesar de la hora, el local estaba completamente vacio; (quiza por no ser dia de pago); mi hermana pidio un Mojito tradicional y yo pedi una Caipirinha de fresa.


Seguimos conversando un rato más; disfrutando de ¡l ambiente mas fiestero del lugar; pero se nos hacia tarde y como el sitio estaba totalmente vacio; decidimos irnos.

Para finalizar; siempre es agradable pasar un tiempo diferente con amigos y seres queridos; a pesar de que la rutina en ocasiones nos absorbe.

¡Gracias por leer todo mi post!

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