My Experience on City of Bogo's 2nd Night Market

Hello mga ka-Hive? How have you been? I hope you are all fine today. I want to share to you a past event I had last month.


And the annual Night Market of Bogo City happened on September 15 to 21, Sunday to Saturday.

One afternoon, after shift, my colleagues and I both agreed to have our dinner somewhere. Undetermined of the place, I suggested we go at the night market. It was their first day. I discovered it when I passed by the public plaza a week prior the start and I was so excited for it and I planned of visiting the night market. It was located at the streets of the public plaza. It will open at 5pm to 12 midnight.

We were welcomed with a joyful music and an array of food stalls. There were a lot of choices to choose from meals, snacks to beverages. We decided to visit all the food stalls one by one to know what kind of food are being offered and to identify as well what to eat. There were a lot of people who had the same intention as ours and most of them were students. Since the venue is near at some schools such as Northern Cebu Colleges, St. Louise De Marillac College of Bogo, Cebu Roosevelt Memorial College and Araneta Learning Center.



The food being offered are coffees, desserts such as cakes and Bogo's delicacy, the pintos, empanada, juice for refreshment, pastil, fries, shawarma, barbeque, street food, fruits, waffles, hotdog in buns and lechon belly. Due to a lot of food choices, we were overwhelmed and could not decide what food to eat for dinner.

After some time thinking and debating, we ended up at Kayenderia for their chicken pastil. Their chicken pastil is only thirty five pesos but one hundred pesos if you buy three. You can save five pesos. Good thing we are three so we were able to avail the three for one hundred pastil.

We sat on one of their tables and immediately devoured our orders. Their serving is enough for its price, I must say. For its taste, there is nothing extraordinary to it but its chili sauce is flavorful. That's what makes it delicious. Since its serving is not big enough and one of my colleague is hungry, he still ordered another one. As I was craving for sweets for dessert, I ordered their egg tart which it did not disappoint.




Once we were done with our dinner, we went to Kapenarra stall as they sell coffees at a price of thirty nine pesos. I decided to treat them for their drinks as I have a received a blessing from our pasigarbo sa sugbu activity. As a fan of matcha, I ordered it together with my colleague while the other one ordered cafe latte as he is a fan of coffee.



Minutes later, we received our order and drank it and to our dismay, it tasted bland. We expect a little flavorful drink as Kapenarra is known for it however, it was on the contrary. On the other hand, what do you expect with the thirty nine pesos. If I were to compare it to coffees of the same price such as Don Macchiato's , I would say Don Macchiato's won.

We still finished it as we don't want to waste food. We just chatted for a little bit and decided to go home after.

I then remembered the first night market of the City last year. It was still on second week of September. I visited it on its fourth day. They were stationed in front of Gaisano at that time. I did not want to miss it with my busy schedule. Remembering it, funny how I ordered the very same food I had on my second night market. I ordered Chicken pastil and egg tart at Kayenderia and a matcha latte at Kapenarra. However, the matcha latte was flavorful compared to the second night market but it was creamy instead of its earthy flavor.



The only thing that was different was I was alone at that time. Though alone, I was enjoying my own company. I enjoyed walking in the street and visiting food stalls which were festive. You all know that I love my solitude moments.

But somehow, in my second night market visit, it also felt great to have some company. It was my initial plan to go there alone but I guess God had another plan that time.

I have a funny trivia about us.

We all own a motorcycle.

We are all in the same office.

Last year, 2023, we all had a motorcycle accident.

Crystal was on February 2023, John Dave was on May 2023 and on July 2023 while I on October 2023. We always tease each other about our accidents and promised ourselves to be careful next year which is this year. It has became our resolution. February has passed and Crystal finished the month with no accident, May and July for John Dave while I was waiting for this month to end. And I keep on praying for a safe ride month not just for this month but for the whole year. That accident was indeed a life changer for me and I will share to you my experience on my next blog.

Going back to night market, I am hoping that it would continue in many years. It really helped our local food industry especially with their marketing. It is an avenue for small business owners to showcase their products. The City of Bogo had done a great job for this initiative. I have only seen night markets in Cebu City and having one here is something to be proud of. It shows that the food industry of Bogo City is booming.

Bogo City has indeed reached far and with that, I am beyond delighted.

And that is all for my blog. Thank you for reading and until the next one.

With so much love - XOXO,
Bev 😘

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