Beautiful People at the Beautiful Hinigaran

The date was June 20th, and the rain was relentless. Everyone murmured about when it would finally stop, but no one knew. Thunder rumbled in the distance, and flashes of lightning forced us to cover our ears before the sound could reach us. Despite the weather, we were determined to push through with our pre-planned trip.



Our journey began smoothly, despite the downpour. We rushed to the terminal, hoping to make our departure on time, but the heavy rainfall caused a slight delay. As we traveled, the bus driver's speed made us nervous, especially after the recent news of a city bus accident. However, the beauty of the natural surroundings and the comfort of holding hands calmed our nerves.

The road unfolded before us, showcasing breathtaking sceneries. Despite the rain, the landscape was captivating. Waves crashed on the shore, trees swayed in the cool breeze, and the emerald green rice fields embraced the falling raindrops. As we approached Hinigaran, the municipality's beauty became undeniable. It felt surreal to arrive in the charming city where our friend Giem resided.



We stepped onto the sparkling bridge, its vibrant lights illuminating the night. Colorful flags danced in the wind, and restaurants, shops, and stores lined the streets. We entered the bustling night market, our faces filled with curiosity and excitement. After purchasing our goods, we strolled through the streets, the cool breeze caressing our skin. We hopped onto a tricycle, eager to further explore the city.

A long, dark road stretched before us, lined with towering trees. The atmosphere felt slightly eerie, prompting some to ponder mythical creatures while others embraced the darkness. Upon arrival at our destination, a small family welcomed us warmly. We unpacked our bags, prepared a meal, and finally drowned by exhaustion, falling into a deep sleep.

The chirping of birds and the crowing of roosters greeted us on our second morning in Hinigaran. After breakfast, we prepared for our short getaway and set off again, this time on a long, narrow road. Within half an hour, we reached a beautiful resort, but our excitement was dampened by the news that the pool was under renovation. Despite the disappointment, we had no choice but to stay.

The salty air embraced us as we arrived at our cottage. The sky remained overcast, with gray clouds threatening more rain. We had lost hope of seeing the sun, but we decided to make the most of it. While waiting for the rain to relent, we prepared food, shared meals, and enjoyed each other's presence. We even played volleyball under the rain, laughing heartily and enjoying the moment.

Finally, everyone decided to swim in the gray sea. The shoreline was littered with shells, posing a potential hazard, so we carefully made our way to the water's edge. We reveled in the crashing waves, laughed at the group's prince's funny jokes, and found solace in the calming presence of the sea. It was in that moment that we realized our trip had become a colorful masterpiece.

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