#PizzaGate Part 28: David Brock Blackmail Scandal + Baphomet, United Nations, #ElsaGate + MORE

In #PizzaGate Part 28, I look research further into David Brock and this time cover the Blackmail Scandal involving his two former longtime domestic partners William Grey, and James “jimmycomet” Alefantis. As explained in Part 26, in which I covered an overview of David Brock in hopes of winning the David Seaman contest, please note the following disclaimer that any negative connotations of Brock being connected towards #PizzaGate are purely speculative and at the moment no credible evidence or credible circumstantial evidence exists, to my knowledge, that connects David Brock to pedophilia or similar corruption. That being said, given his connection towards Alefantis and Media Matters, known for character assassinations of researchers of #PizzaGate, it is important to research David Brock for any possible leads.

The entire blackmail scandal is extremely bizarre and involves Grey sending emails to Brock and Alefantis threatening to expose “sick nonsense” and embarrassing facts about Brock (and possibly Alefantis) unless Brock return property belonging to Grey, and total about $170,000 USD. I go over the police report Brock filed, the Lawsuit Grey filed, the Counterclaim by Brock, the Answer to Counterclaim by Grey, and finally the confidential settlement and dismissal of all the claims by the two parties. Also in the Counterclaim is the first mention of the now widely circulated $850,000 payment that Brock claims was due to blackmail from Grey. What’s interesting about this is that the money comes from the proceeds of the sale of their once shared Rehoboth Beach home in Delaware; a sale which according to a Settle and Release agreement they signed would bar Brock from making his blackmail payment claim! Thus it may not actually have been blackmail, or at least hard for Brock to argue it was.

The scandal revolves around the sale (and demolition) of the Rehoboth home, and thus this might be a source for further research into possible leads, as well as obtaining the email exchanges and any possible further court documents.

Also in this video I go over a possible “real life” Baphomet which somehow leads down the trail of the US Public Health Service, the World Health Organization, and finally towards the United Nations which just so happens to have been hatched at the infamous Bohemian Grove (as was the Atomic Bomb)… #YouCantMakeThisStuffUp

I also cover some more Ideological Subversion topics such as Drag Queen kids, #ElsaGate, Tony Podesta’s creepy “art” collection, as well as the cool #PizzaGate Card Game!

Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 29...

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