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VIDEO NOTES: 🍕#PizzaGate Part 28: David Brock Blackmail Scandal + Baphomet, United Nations, #ElsaGate + MORE

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NOTE: If you don't have time to watch this whole video:

  • Skip to the end for Summary and Conclusions
  • Play this video at a faster speed.
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  • Download and Read Notes.
    ○ I will also post the notes on in article format!
  • Watch the video in parts.

Recap on Previous Parts

Parts 1, 4-10, 25: Madeleine McCann Case / Podesta / Pedophilia Connections
Part 2, 3: ACORN Controversy
Part 7: Conspiracy Advice for Online Researchers.
Part 11: National Pizza Day Strange Coincidences
Part 12: FBI Document on Pedophilia Symbols and Logos
Part 13, 14: Mindset and Tactics of Pedophiles
Part 15, 17: Kurt Eichenwald is Above the Law
Part 16: Alex Jones has dirt on Bill Clinton
Part 18: Vault 7 Year Zero makes blackmail ease.
Part 19: Memetics and Meme Warfare
Part 20: BLogo / LBLogo / GLogo / CLogo Origins
Part 23: Pedophilia Normalization
Part 24: Misleading "PizzaGate" Search Trends
Part 26: David Brock is Clinton Puppet
Part 27: "Spirit Cooking" Elites
ALL Parts: #PizzaGate Updated + Media Cover-Up and/or Silence

View All Videos:

#PizzaGate Part 28: David Brock's $850,000 "Blackmail" Payment?

Topics to Cover

  1. PizzaGate Updates
  2. David Brock vs. William Grey Lawsuit
  3. Mainstream Media Coverage
  4. Summary and Conclusions

PizzaGate Updates

Forgot to include John Podesta's "cannibal" image for Part 27's "Spirit Cooking" video…


Campaign chairman John Podesta's office offers a little more decor.