🍕#PizzaGate Part 23: Pedophilia Activism & Normalization

In #PizzaGate Part 23 I go over a brief overview of the pedophilia activism through what was known as the “Childlove Movement”. In my previous videos in which I covered the Wikileaks released FBI document showing the various logos that pedophiles use to identify themselves and communicate their preferences. In that document the FBI referenced several times a Wikipedia article titled “ChildLove movement” which currently is no longer available, but luckily it was archived. In this video I go over the article which looks at various pedo activism organizations and their push to lower, or even abolish, the age of consent, legalize C.P., and argue that children can “consent” to relationships with adults. Also, many prominent figures within these organizations were later convicted of abuse and/or possession of C.P.

In this video I also take a quick look at the way the mainstream media reports on pedophilia through some quick “site:” Google searches. It is clear that many big news outlets, those that appear in the first page of Google, cover less about news regarding pedophilia, and much more on opinion pieces that are empathic to pedophiles. In essence, the MSM is normalizing pedophilia as something we can openly tolerate in our society, while reporting very little on the negative consequences or criminal cases involving pedophilia. In contrast, I show how sites such as Infowars are the complete opposite of these other media outlets, and instead actually report on news involving pedo and tracking rings. The contrast is night and day.

Also in this video I provide some quick updates on the alleged elite Dutch Banker whistleblower Ronald Bernard, French Presidential candidate Emmanuel Macro’s strange relationship with his wife, and Bill Nye’s completely bizarre and cringy video from his Netflix series “Bill Nye Saves the World”…. Actually don’t watch that Bill Nye video if you want to save some brain cells… #DontSayIdidntWarnYou

And as usual, I discuss even more YouTube demonetization…. So we have to support each other without relying on company’s fleeting ad revenue.

Stay Tuned for #PizzaGate Part 24…

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