🍕#PizzaGate Part 22: CLogo Origins + Google Censorship + Haiti UN Trafficking

#PizzaGate Part 22 AI.jpg

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In #PizzaGate Part 22 I go over the origins of the now infamous “Child Lover” Logo aka CLogo which was revealed through a FBI document released by WikiLeaks. The document revealed the logos and symbols that law enforcement tracked down to be used by pedophiles to communicate their preferences. In part 12 I went over the usage of the pedo logos in detail, and in Parts 20 and 21 I went over the BLogo, LBLogo, and GLogo, so make sure to watch those videos! In this video I look at specifically the CLogo.

The CLogo was formed by pedos that wanted to show their broad preferences for children and not just specifically boys or specifically girls. It is also used to include GLs and BLs into their cause, organizations, and activism activities. The CLogo is designed to resemble a butterfly to resemble the “beauty and fragility” of children, and consists of two large hearts and two small hearts intertwined; representing an adult woman or man and a child boy or girl. Just like the GLogo, BLogo, and LBLogo, the creation of the CLogo, as well as the pedos behind it, illustrate a vast dedicated and pride-full community of pedos that take detail in creating variations of the CLogo as well as art-work surrounding it.

Also in the video, I examine the prominent pedo activists behind the CLogo.org, Martijn.org, and PVND websites, organizations, and even political party, and which are Ad van den Berg, Marthijn Uittenboggard, and Norbert de Jong. Berg in particular has served prison sentences for possession of C.P. as well as abusing an 11 year old boy… #LockHimUp

In this video I also go over some the unprecedented Censorship that Google is undertaking against independent media and in particular Infowars! This must stop because if they can take down Infowars then then can take down you!

Also, I briefly cover the Haiti United Nations trafficking scandal, as well as make a clarifications regarding my Part 17 mention of Mike Cernovich’s claim that Jeffrey Epstein filed papers to him, and I make a retraction of a Voat post I made regarding an alleged boy trying to escape from the UK’s Royal Family Palace… The video I shared for the most part was pretty accurate though.

Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 23...

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Recap on Previous Parts

Parts 1, 4-10: Madeleine McCann Case / Podesta / Pedophilia Connections
Part 2, 3: ACORN Controversy
Part 7: Conspiracy Advice for Online Researchers.
Part 11: National Pizza Day Strange Coincidences
Part 12: FBI Document on Pedophilia Symbols and Logos
Part 13, 14: Mindset and Tactics of Pedophiles
Part 15, 17: Kurt Eichenwald is Above the Law
Part 16: Alex Jones has dirt on Bill Clinton
Part 18: Vault 7 Year Zero makes blackmail ease.
Part 19: Memetics and Meme Warfare
Part 20: BLogo / LBLogo Origins
Part 21: GLogo Origins
ALL Parts: #PizzaGate Updated + Media Cover-Up and/or Silence

View the full #PizzaGate series: @mes/videos

PizzaGate Part 22

Topics to Cover:

  1. PizzaGate Updates and Search Trends
  2. CLogo Origins

PizzaGate Updates and Search Trends

Censorship Censorship Censorship Censorship #GoogleIsEvil


Regardless of your political affiliation, we must all # SupportInfowars and stand up for # FreedomOfSpeech!

If Google could shut down Infowars, it could shut down you…

Retrieved: 17 April 2017


At the 10:00 and 16:00 mark Mike Cernovich talks about having peaceful protests at Google Headquarters demanding they stop their pure evil censorship! # GoogleIsEvil # ProtestGoogle # FreedomOfSpeech

Quote is from 14:42+ mark. # AMAZINGQUOTE # SoTrue

Recall from Part 17: Google censoring Voat.co/v/PizzaGate…

Archive: http://archive.is/Q1nWu
Retrieved: 3 March 2017

Google Search: Voat Pizzagate

17 April 2017 by banenya

ALERT: We must shift our focus onto Google's massive role in censoring Pizzagate

Check out that video there about Podesta / Google / Eric Schmidt's role in YouTube / Google Censorship!

#GoogleIsEvil #DuckDuckGoToDuckDuckGo

My Rant

To be able to change the world in any positive direction, freedom of speech is necessary!

We cannot rely on anyone and especially anyone in government to get justice.

We must start a grassroots movement that only votes in politicians that advocate publicly for freedom of speech, and especially speaks out about #PizzaGate.

We also need to boycott everything!!

Those of us seeking political office must use social media / alternative media / creating our own block-chain internet browser / media / etc., to get our message across unfiltered.

Haiti United Nations Trafficking!

Retrieved: 18 March 2017

This should be front page news on every fakestream media news outlet!

What exactly were the # ClintonFoundation doing in Haiti….?? # LockHerUp

Note: Searchvoat.co is better than using voat.co for search ;) #yes

Recall from Part 17: Mike Cernovich Lawsuit with Billionaire Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein…

3 March 2017 by Mike Cernovich

Billionaire Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein Files Secret Legal Papers Against Mike Cernovich

Convicted pedophile and registered sex offender Jeffrey Epstein served investigative journalist Mike Cernovich with legal papers earlier today. In a plot twist fitting of a Kafka novella, the entire motion is redacted. I can’t tell you what this motion claims, nor can I defend myself in court against these secret charges.

In fact the entire file is redacted except mainly that headline…. # WOW

NOTE that this claim by Cernovich is very unclear and/or purposely misleading…

Please check out this back-and-forth discussion I had with someone very familiar with how law suits work: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1779892/8719550

@JrSlimss argues that Cernovich is lying about being served papers from Jeffrey Epstein and makes a good argument.

This is something we should get to the bottom of so please go over that discussion and message Mike Cernovich on social media to get him to clarify his article.

I personally don't believe he is doing anything purposely nefarious, but nonetheless it can be seen as such if he doesn't clarify his article(s) more clearly.



This video I shared on voat appears to actually have been part of a viral TV segment… # MyBad

The rest of the YouTube video it links too is pretty accurate though.

Still, be careful when reviewing claims, especially outrageous claims!

Also shows the amazing Hive-mind ability of Voat.co forum which in moments turns into a crowd-sourced fact-checker!

PizzaGate Search Trends (As of 17 April 2017)







CLogo Origins

Recall from my Part 12 video on the FBI declassified logos used by pedophiles to identify each other and communicate their preferences in children.

31 January 2007 by Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
(U) Symbols and Logos Used by Pedophiles to Identify Sexual Preferences

Page 1


Page 2

(U) The GirlLover logo (GLogo) depicted below is a small heart surrounded by a larger heart, which symbolizes a relationship between an adult male or female and minor girl.


Page 6

1 (U) Pedophile Activism, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childlove_movement.
2 (U) Ibid.
3 (U) BLogo Variations, available at http://www.freespirits.org/blogo/blvari.htm.
4 (U) Pedophile Activism, available at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Childlove_movement.
5 (U) Source is a Computer Analysis Response Team Forensic Examiner assigned to the Jacksonville Division.
6 (U) BoyLover.net Support and Fellowship, available at http://www.boylover.net.
7 (U) FBI internal e-mail, 24 October 2006.

Recall the Girl Lover Forum I went over in Part 21; they also mentioned briefly about the CLogo.

2 November 2010 by Kimberly

Board index » General and Private " Arena ~ GL - Symbol?

NOTE: The article is translated from German.

Hello Hexxe,

we know from a quite inconclusive discussion from which you seem to have really learned nothing. Nevertheless, I want to be so polite and answer your questions as far as possible. In return, I would like to ask for a differentiation - also in your sense, because you are currently working on the actual problem. Much more still: they work against people instead of doing something for people.

The answers for questions 1, 2, 3 and also 5 I summarize here. Info can be found only sparsely and some information is also controversial.

Childlove Logo (Butterfly):

The Childlove logo (abbreviation: CLogo) is an international symbol for pedophilia. It symbolizes the love between a BL and a boy or a GL and a girl. It is used by many to show their solidarity with the four proposed guidelines for physical intimacy in friendships between children and adults. The logo was registered at the Benelux stamp office on 15 February 2002.

The Four Guidelines:

  • Consent of both: child and adult,
  • Openness towards the child's parents ,
  • Relieving freedom for the child from the relationship at any time,
  • Harmony with the development of the child.

The CLogo is a butterfly and consists of four hearts: a large blue for the man, a great Pinkes for the woman A little blue for boys and a little pink for girls. The logo was designed by Norbert de Jonge. (Due to insufficient information, this is not the case!)



  1. What are the meaning of these symbols for you?

For me the butterfly in particular has a special meaning. It symbolizes the tenderness, fragility and beauty of a girl as well as the relationship to a girl.


  1. What message should be given to "not" pedophiles?

Would the answer of 4 actually be mediated?


  1. Is there a symbol for convicted pedophiles?

Not that I was aware. If one assumes that in Germany every year around 250 pedophiles are condemned according to the 176er paragraphs and the following, I wonder whether the effort for the few people would be worth it ;).

Retrieved: 10 March 2017
Wikimedia Foundation

The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. (WMF) is an American non-profit and charitable organization headquartered in San Francisco, California. It is mostly known for participating in the Wikimedia movement. It owns the internet domain names of most movement projects and hosts sites like Wikipedia. The foundation was founded in 2003 by Jimmy Wales as a way to fund Wikipedia and its sister projects through non-profit means.[5][6]

As of 2015, the foundation employs over 280 people, with annual revenues in excess of US$75 million.[7]

Retrieved: 10 March 2017


What is Wikimedia Commons?

Wikimedia Commons is a media file repository making available public domain and freely-licensed educational media content (images, sound and video clips) to everyone, in their own language. It acts as a common repository for the various projects of the Wikimedia Foundation, but you do not need to belong to one of those projects to use media hosted here. The repository is created and maintained not by paid archivists, but by volunteers. The scope of Commons is set out on the project scope pages.

Retrieved: 10 March 2017

File: Pedophile-butterfly.svg





Archived: 3 April 2005

Archive: 2 October 2007


CLogo Pamphlet
Copyright © CLogo team

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this pamphlet under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.

This pamphlet is provided free of charge by the CLogo team. The CLogo team also provides free stickers and free buttons of the 'butterfly hearts logo', which is depicted on the front cover of this pamphlet.

Under no circumstances shall the authors or copyright holder be liable for any incidental, special, indirect or consequential damage and/or harm arising from the use, reproduction, modification, distribution and/or publication of this pamphlet, or any portion thereof, whether under a theory of contract, warranty, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise, even if the authors have or copyright holder has been advised of the possibility of such damage and/or harm and notwithstanding the failure of essential purpose of any remedy.

Retrieved: 17 April 2017

Colophon (publishing)

In publishing, a colophon is a brief statement containing information about the publication of a book such as the place of publication, the publisher, and the date of publication. A colophon may also be emblematic or pictorial in nature.



Archived: 5 March 2007


Archived: 30 March 2002

Note: Translated from Dutch to English

[For the] objective, scientifically verifiable truth against political terror and discrimination

"If children can not give voluntary consent for any activity they undertake with adults (because adults are stronger and have more experience), there is no difference between voluntary and compulsory in case of any association of children with adults. It would mean that every trip with a child is tantamount to kidnapping, every call represents a snarled command and every hug is enforced. " - Bill Andriette

Retrieved: 10 March 2017

Bill Andriette

Bill Andriette is an American journalist and pro-pedophile activist.[1] Andriette was the Art Director for the LGBT periodical Baltimore Outloud,[2] and was previously the Features Editor of The Guide, a gay travel and entertainment magazine published in Boston.[3] As of 1996, he was the spokesman of the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).[1]

Retrieved: 15 March 2017

North American Man/Boy Love Association

The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.[2][4]

Archived: 5 March 2005


Juli 17, 2004

On 13 July an item about OK magazine of MARTIJN Association could be watched in Editie (Edition) NL, a programma by RTL 4, a Dutch commercial TV station. The editors of the programme clearly proved to be surprised that the photographs of nude little boys in the magazine are legal. During the item two reactions from MARTIJN Association were read, which were to be seen on the screen too. These are the reactions:

"MARTIJN did not make the photos in the magazine. Photographers give us permission to use them for free. Worldwide, a lot of photographers are active to record the beauty of children with permission from the children and the parents. People often find things morally objectionable, but they should just ask themselves what is bad about a naked child. It's quite allright to appreciate beauty."

"MARTIJN is very necessary to break up the witch hunt against pedos. MARTIJN happens to be one of the few organizations in the world which makes a stand actively for children's rights, also sexually. Society is afraid for sexuality and a lot of people are frustrated about sexuality."

The Dutch sexologist Lex van Naerssen managed to report in the item that the photos which are in OK magazine, are legal.


May 8, 2004

General Members Meeting of April

During the General Members Meeting (ALV) of April, a number of proposals have been accepted with a majority of votes. The most important changes relate to the way the association presents itself to the outside world:
• From now on, it will be stated that the association is a platform for discussion about pedophilia. (By the way, the association will continue to fight for the social and societal acceptance of child-adult relationships.)
• MARTIJN Association now proposes four guidelines in relation to physical intimacy in child-adult relationships. They can be found under About MARTIJN. The association hopes that it is more clear now what it is fighting for and what it is not fighting for. With the guidelines, the association shows what it stands for on this crucial point.

Archived: 8 August 2004



MARTIJN Association, founded in 1982, is a platform for discussion about pedophilia. MARTIJN Association fights for the social and societal acceptance of child-adult relationships. In relationships between children and adults that are experienced as pleasant, possible physical intimacy should not have to be a problem. In relation to this physical intimacy, MARTIJN Association proposes four guidelines, namely:

  1. Consent of both child and adult.
  2. Openness towards the parents of the child.
  3. Freedom for the child to withdraw from the relationship at any moment.
  4. Harmony with the child's development.

MARTIJN Association is for the objective, scientifically verifiable truth and against political terror and discrimination. It is a platform for everyone who wants to offer a counterbalance to the dogma that children and youngsters are harmed by friendships and loving intimacy with older persons.


MARTIJN Association advises everyone to observe the law.

In article 2 of the MARTIJN Association Bylaws, the purpose of the association is being described as follows: "To make debatable the aspiration towards legal and societal acceptance of adult-child relationships."

Thijs (10): "Just like a woman makes love to a man, I see it the same way, fun. And what they feel, I feel too." John (13): "I have no objection to it; well I think it's all right the way it's going, as I already said. And it's love."
-- Translated from: "Jongens over vriendschap en seks met mannen" (Boys about friendship and sex with men), Theo Sandfort, SUA Amsterdam 1986 (2nd edition, 1988, p. 107)

Volunteer aid and action
MARTIJN Association is concerned both with the "volunteer aid" and support to its members and with information supply to members and others. MARTIJN Association:

• publishes OK magazine,
• publishes Persfocus,
• publishes a newsletter,
• manages the www.martijn.org website,
• speaks with the press and others,
• gives advice, aid and information,
• looks for dialogue with politics,
• strives for cooperation with like-minded groups,
• has a discussion group.

Archived: 14 August 2004


"OK magazine" is an informational magazine about adult-child relationships and pedophilia. The magazine is published three times per year and is sent to our members. It can also be obtained from a few bookshops and is available for perusal at some libraries. Members and non-members can share their stories in OK. OK contains serial stories, short stories, poetry, essays, articles on topical issues, reviews, letters, cartoons and useful addresses. Furthermore it always contains a delightful assortment of legal pictures and illustrations.


The following issues can be back-ordered, unless stated otherwise.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39/40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 55 | 56 | 57 | 58 | 59 | 60 | 61 | 62 | 63 | 64 | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 | 76 | 77 | 78 | 79 | 80 | 81 | 82 | 83/84 | 85 | 86 | 87 | 88 | 89


Dr Edward Brongersma, the internationally famous advocate of boys/boy lovers' rights, who died in 1998, regularly provided articles for OK. Renowned scientists such as Dr Frits Bernard and established poets such as Jaap Zijlstra still write for OK magazine.

Archived: 20 August 2004

Retrieved: 16 March 2017

Vereniging Martijn

Vereniging MARTIJN ("Martijn Union") was a Dutch association that advocated the societal acceptance of pedophilia and legalization of sexual relationships between adults and children.[1]


The organization began in 1984.

OK Magazine

From 1986 till 2006 the group published OK Magazine, available only through the mail and not in retail stores, featuring essays, letters, interviews and photographs of scantily clad or naked children, mostly boys.[1]


MARTIJN was expelled from the International Lesbian and Gay Association in 1994. The group was seen as "widely reviled" though Dutch prosecutors initially formed the view that it could not be prosecuted.[3]


In 2003 Vereniging MARTIJN faced opposition by the Actiecomité Stop MARTIJN (Action Committee Stop MARTIJN), which organized demonstrations against them. Formed and led by Michiel Smit of the New Right, Florens van der Kooi of the NNP, as well as Inge Bleecke of Moeders tegen Pedofilie (Mothers against Pedophilia),[4] the committee was labelled as extreme right by their opponents.[5]


Police investigations


The home of the organization's president, Ad van den Berg, was raided by police in October 2010; downloads of illegal material had been traced back to Van den Berg's internet connection. It was announced in March 2011 that large quantities of child pornography were found among the confiscated material, and even more material, including computers, was confiscated when Van den Berg was arrested on 29 March.[10]
Suspects in the Amsterdam sex case, an investigation into the abuse of tens of children in Amsterdam kindergartens, were members of MARTIJN.[11]


Catholic Church involvement

On 20 May 2011 Herman Spronck, the head of the Dutch arm of the Salesian Catholic order, confirmed to RTL Nieuws that a priest under him had been on the board of MARTIJN until the Van den Berg raids. He added, "Of course we reject this and distance ourselves from this personal initiative." RTL obtained interviews both with Spronck and the priest (73-year-old "Father Van B.") in which the two defended adult-child sex as not always damaging.[12] The priest concerned had prior convictions for child sexual abuse.[13]


On 18 June 2011, the Ministry of Security and Justice announced that the association's activities were not illegal. Crimes committed by its members could not be attributed to the association could not be prosecuted, banned or disbanded.[14]

On 27 June 2012, a Dutch court in Assen ruled that the group was illegal and ordered the group to cease activities and disband immediately. The judge stated that the group's actions and statements regarding sexual contact between adults and children were in conflict with the accepted norms and values of Dutch society. In his statement, the judge emphasised the overriding need to protect children.[15] However, in April 2013, a higher court overturned this decision, upholding the Martijn club's right to freedom of association.[16] On 18 April 2014 the Supreme Court overturned the acquittal and reinstated the trial judge's order.[17] On 3 February 2015, an appeal by the association to the European Court for Human Rights (ECHR) was rejected.[18]




16 February 2009

Uncommon Sense Edition 1

The CLogo

Designed with the intention of representing Boylovers and Girllovers as Childlovers, rather than as two individual groups as the BLogo and GLogo had previously, the CLogo is a good symbol with good intentions. However, what's lacking in the CLogo is that the modern childlover community needs a symbol which goes one step further to include non-childlovers and anyone who is in support of the individual rights of minors to choose who they want to have intimate relationships with.

We need a symbol which represents our struggle, not just who we are.

For nearly a year, discussions have been on-going inside the Newgon Forums, any thoughts, opinions and constructive criticisms are welcome, we need your help and input in designing a symbol to be used as our flag in this fight.


Ad van den Berg

Ad van den Berg

Ad van den Berg is treasurer of the PNVD and former leader of MARTIJN. He has served a sentence for having consensual sex with an 11 year old boy, who was scaremongered into confessing after being indoctrinated with myths about AIDS and homosexuality.

Retrieved: 17 April 2017


Clogo.org was a small, informational website maintained by a mainly dutch work group, including among others - Norbert de Jonge. It contained an archive, Clogo, links, computer game, videos and a pamphlet for download.

Coming off-line

Clogo was taken down with advanced notice, eventually coming off-line in May, 2008. This roughly coincided with its web master's transition into generic politics.

• Web Archive



Norbert de Jonge

Norbert de Jonge, is secretary of the PNVD. He also has MARTIJN links, having once been active in this organisation. Like Uittenbogaard, he came out as a Pedophile (Girl Lover). De Jonge is also a highly assertive and organised online activist - for example, using his webspace to upload an archive of podcasts.
De Jonge transferred into generic politics due to a lack of support for initiatives such as Clogo.org and Support of Activism.



PNVD Logo, 2008

Partij voor Naastenliefde, Vrijheid & Diversiteit (PNVD, founded 18 May 2006) was a small, Leiden-based Dutch political party that supported some of the objectives associated with childlove and liberalisation of Age of Consent laws. Its motto was "sapere aude ("Have courage to use your own reason"). During its existence, the PNVD faced persecution from organisations such as SKS, members of the public and their own state. The PNVD dissolved on March 14, 2010.


The public membership of this party currently consists of the standard three posts required by Dutch politics.
Marthijn Uittenbogaard - President | Ad van den Berg - Treasurer | Norbert de Jonge - Chairman.
All three public members have at some point been active in Vereniging Martijn, an organisation that campaigns for liberalisation of laws against sex between adults and minors.


Marthijn Uittenbogaard

Marthijn Uittenbogaard

Marthijn Uittenbogaard is Chairman of the Dutch political party - PNVD (press photo). The party campaigns for the abolition of the age of consent, along with other social reforms and aims to once again make pedophilia a major subject of discussion for the Dutch Parliament.

Uittenbogaard is an out pedophile (Boy Lover) and one time president of the MARTIJN Association (founded in 1982, for the acceptance of pedophilia and adult-child love relationships), seen by many as the precursor to the PNVD.

Retrieved: 17 April 2017

Vereniging MARTIJN

Vereniging MARTIJN is a Dutch association that advocates the acceptance of sexual relationships between adults and minors. Founded in Hoogeveen, 1982[1], the group's main activity has been the publication of OK magazine, known until 1987 as Martijn.

Recall from Part 12


Dissecting the #PizzaGate Conspiracy Theories


Claim: Comet Ping Pong and other nearby businesses use pedophile symbols in logos.

According to an F.B.I. document released by WikiLeaks, the following symbols are used by pedophiles to identify sexual preferences.

Conspiracy theorists claimed that other design elements used by businesses near the Comet Ping Pong restaurant also resembled pedophile symbols.

However, countless other major American brand logos contain similar shapes. Hearts, triangles and spirals are widely used symbols in business logos.

NOTE the CPP menu P.E.D. abbreviation… and that Besta Pizza , Terasol, and CPP are located VERY close together…. # YouCantMakeThisStuffUp… # StayTunedForMore…

Also, in my opinion the only popular business logo resembling a pedo logo is Wall's ice-cream because it is near an exact mirror-image of the GLogo.

Note: Unilever (Wall's ice-cream), as will be explained in later videos has some very troubling links to the McCann case and #PizzaGate in general, so stay tuned…

Also note the horrible reporting by the NY Times… # Propaganda

Summary and Conclusions

Just like as with the GLogo and BLogo, there is a high level of detail, dedication, and pride put into the creation of a symbol for "Child Lovers", as well as creating many different variations of the CLogo and art-work relating to it.

The CLogo consists of 2 large hearts intertwined with 2 smaller hearts to resemble a butterfly.

The large hearts resemble an adult man or woman.

The small hearts resemble a child girl or boy.

The butterfly was chosen possibly to represent "tenderness, fragility and beauty" of a child.

The CLogo is used by pedos who have a more broad sexual preference as well as to incorporate GL's and BL's in their efforts for "activism".

The pedo-activists take their cause very seriously and have even tried running for political office in order to lower/abolish the age of consent and drive public acceptance of pedophilia…

One of the main pedo activists Ad van den Berg has been arrested for sex with a 11 year old child (i.e. rape) as well as for a second time of possession of child porn… # LockHimUp

Stay tuned for #PizzaGate Part 23…

View the full #PizzaGate series: @mes/videos

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