Feathered Friends - SMaP Contest Round 146 ~ together

This past weekend we spent back in New Jersey taking care of some business and visiting family. Not being at home doesn't change my early morning routine, get up before 5 AM, get dressed, and get outside with a cup of coffee in hand.
On this early morning, I sat on the back deck of our son's house waiting for daybreak. Once it was light enough, I planned to visit the neighborhood where @farm-mom grew up as a kid. Just down the street from where she was raised is Rainbow Valley Lake. It's not a large body of water, but still, a place where many of the people in this small residential area spend countless hours enjoying what the lake has to offer.

To my delight, my jaunt unexpectedly turned into a

#birdwatcher's photo shot.


When I first parked the car and headed to the shoreline, all of the birds headed off in the other direction.



They finally congregated in this area. I was able to capture this picture from the car.


As I exited the car in an attempt to get a little closer, they were off once again. The loons constantly changed their location as I approached.



Boy, did I get in a good walk,
following them around from one place to the next.

I was hoping to capture a photo of the Canadian geese, the Mallards, and the Loons all in the same picture,
but the Loons would have nothing to do with my approach.
3 diff birds.jpg

Birds of a #feather fly swim together, even if their feathers are diverse.

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