Today is a different day

It's great to be able to go out for walks every morning once again. However, I haven't been carrying my camera as the sun rises very early and stopping for photographs on the way shortens my walk (as it get way too warm to walk any further). Besides it is rather difficult to mange the dogs and the camera. Nonetheless, today was different, the moment we reached the corner of our lane our dogs decided that they wanted to sniff around and I let them have their way. As they were sniffing at every blade of grass I decided to enjoy the scenery. I noticed that there were birds chirping on the trees further down in an empty piece of land which has been fenced off.

At first I saw a drongo which seemed quite happy flying around from one branch to another. Then I heard the call of an oriole which stopped me in my tracks. I noticed that there were two pairs of golden orioles on the teak tree. I rushed back home with the dogs to get my camera. My fur babies were unhappy that their walk ended there, Zoe even growled to show her displeasure.

Grabbing my camera and dragging the dogs I rushed back to the end of our street hoping to see the orioles. It's not every day that we sight these golden orioles in these parts. I was so disappointed to see that the birds were not there on the tree. The drongo was still there I could hear him but it did take a while to spot him amidst the leaves.

The teak trees are done flowering and are now dropping their yellowing leaves. The orioles find it easy to camouflage themselves between the huge teak leaves. The drongo picked up a fight with the oriole and that is when I noticed the oriole hiding between the leaves. The female oriole was around as well but she was hiding further behind in the branches. I wasn't able to get a shot of her.

It was then I noticed another male sitting pretty high up on a fir tree beyond the teak trees. This being much further I couldn't get clear shots of this bird. He was keeping an eye on a parrot that was flying about.

The oriole which was on the teak tree was quite courageous and chased away the drongo which tried to attack him once again. These birds being masters of camouflage did his job of hiding behind the leaves very well. I was at least a hundred and fifty meters off from the bird and yet it was keenly aware of my presence.

I tried my best to grab a few shots of the birds as best as I could from the distance I was at. Just then I was distracted by a tiny gremlin of a dog, a chihuahua which started jumping on and troubling my dogs. This little guy Pablo wanted my attention while I was focused on getting a few more shots of the oriole which was now the only bird sitting on that tree. I had no choice but to play with the chihuahua before his human took him away.

I was able to get one more shot of the oriole before he flew away. I wasn't sure if any of the shots I took would be okay. Thankfully they seem pretty decent considering the distance I was at from the tree. We walked a wee bit further to see if there were other birds around. The sun was already beating down strongly upon us.

As we were leaving the place this little guy appeared out of no where. He was wagging his tail and hopping from one weed to another before he flew away. I don't know what kind of bird this one is. I will hopefully figure this out soon I guess. I thoroughly enjoyed my walk today, I only hope I get to see the bee eaters very soon.

Thanks for hanging around this far. I appreciate your support and time.

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