A bird at the sea.

A Little Egret will show you his actions in the sea today.

Sadly I didn't think that he was a very good fisherman, but his actions were very good.

During every power cut in the day we nip out, ether into nature or down to the beach. Both have many attractions for us and offer a phalanx of photo opportunities. I stood and watched the egret as I know that they have some amazing moves. The difficulty is to get their take off and landing correctly on camera. Today I don't think that I did too bad with the timing and I leave it up to you to decide if I got it right.

Here below was the egret's take off.

And here was his landing. Note that his beak is in perfect alignment to a water swell.



It is a Little Egret and the specie name is (Egretta garzetta)


Nope, no fish and he took a rest to think about his fishing technique :)

Maybe the egret was waiting for the four wise gulls to give him some advice about his fishing abilities and so I hope that I will get him with a fish in his beak the next time that I watch him.
My wife collected some "Mermaid's purses" and I wonder if any of you know what a Mermaid's purse is???
If you don't know then keep an eye out for my post soon that I will title Mermaids purses. It is a fascinating story about birth in the oceans.

That's it for today and I hope that you have enjoyed the fishing egret.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX60HS Bridge camera.

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