White storks learning how to fly sync in formation

Hello feathered friends,

In May, I wrote about a couple of white storks that return to the large chimney in the town's center each year to build their nest. The nest was then fixed in preparation for their future offspring. In the meantime, I neglected to mention that two chicks successfully hatched. Despite the countless disasters that may have happened to them, a pair of storks managed to save both young.

They matured enough in June to learn fresh life lessons. The most crucial thing they have to learn involved synchronized flight.

Fortunately, I was there when the juvenile storks learned how to fly in synchronized formation during one of these courses.

They can successfully travel a great distance using this style of flight, which uses little energy. To go to tropical Africa or India, where they spend the winter, they will need to do precisely that.

Their teacher usually followed them closely, flying in the opposite direction.

Considering that it is winter and that they have long gone on a long journey to warmer regions, I hope that they have successfully applied the learned technique and that we will see each other again in the spring.

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