Join The Feathered Friends Community


This post is kind of promoting the Feathered Friends Community and what benefits bring to you if you post there. Some of you, being members of the community for long time, would not find new features, but I hope the post to reach more people who would join us.

Like I used to say, our community is all about the birds and this means not only photos and videos. By the way, if you use Ecency as preferred front end, there is a new option to upload videos, very useful and easy. So, you can post anything, but it must be related to birds. This could be some craft - birdhouses and feeders, or paintings and drawings if you are into this. You can tell stories about birds, what you have learned about them. This just a small list of ideas.

I remember my first steps on the blockchain six years ago and it was much harder to be noticed back then. Now we have communities and people with same interests flock together. And, it is easier to receive some appreciation not only with the votes, but with additional tokens, extra exposure in different initiatives, to attract curators.


I will start with the Weekly edition of featured posts, run by our talented artist @barbara-orenya. Your post will be not just featured but you will receive 100 Ecency points and @barbara-orenya may boost or promote it. Have a look at the last edition. This will give you an idea what she is looking for among the posts.



Anoter way of appreciation is the Author/Bird of the Week, run with the kind cooperation of Leo Finance. Four authors are chosen to be nominated and the public decides who will win on the polls. The winner receives a handsome reward - 60% beneficiary of the post, where several whales give their votes. Awesome, isn't it?
Every Friday I post in the community the new nominees and link to the polls where you can choose your favourite author. How the nominees are selected? Posts with original content, nice photos, interesting story, I want to see that you have put extra effort and you will be among the nominees.
This is the link Bird of the Week | Cast your vote | Week 32 of the latest post



I host also #SMaP Show Me A Photo Contest. Each week there is a new theme and there is no need to have expensive camera to take part in. Smartphones are good enough to make pictures of birds. It may seem hard to photograph birds, they are constantly moving, but walk in the park, near the lake or sea - you can see there are plenty of birds that can be photographed. Every Sunday the new round begins and on Monday the winners of the previous week are announced. Rewards - 2 Hive, 500 Ecency points (thanks to @barbara-orenya), 1 Archon (thanks to @ecoinstant) plus extra 100 Ecency points (thanks to @sagarkothari88).
The link to the latest round Hidden - you still have time to submit your entry.



The Feathered Friends Community is supported by the Archon Tribe - ArchonTribe 99: News, Contests, Winners, And Rewards!. If you comment on any post in our community you will receive stacked Archon. Checked the link for more awesome options and what other communities are supported.

The knowledge about birds shared through the posts is priceless. And this is only possible thanks to the members of the community, who constantly post remarkable photos, stories, information about our feathered friends from all over the world.



banner and feather divider created by @barbara-orenya


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