Snow Buntings Are Feisty And Adorable!

One of my favorite birds is also the first to return to the tundra of Nunavut. Snow Buntings flock in large numbers on our small arctic island and this year my wife and I decided to put out some seed to help them through our long springs. It's been quite fun to watch them flitter about and fight over the birdseed, although the amount of poo building up on our railing is something I could do without. Here are a few wonderful shots I've managed to get over the last few days and some information about the cute little bird.


Snow buntings are charming birds known for their adorable appearance. They have a circumpolar distribution, inhabiting the northern regions of North America, Europe, and Asia. These birds are well adapted to cold environments and are often found in open, snowy areas such as tundra, alpine meadows, and coastal dunes. Snow buntings have several adaptations that help them survive in their harsh habitats. Their feathers provide excellent insulation, and they have a higher metabolic rate than many other bird species, enabling them to generate heat and maintain their body temperature. They also have feathered legs and toes, which help them walk on snow and ice without losing body heat.


Snow buntings undertake long migrations, with individuals from the Arctic breeding grounds traveling to more southern locations during the winter. They can be found in parts of the northern United States, Canada, northern Europe, and Asia during this time. In addition to their charming appearance, snow buntings are admired for their acrobatic flight displays during courtship. Males perform aerial displays, flying high in the air while singing to attract females. They breed in open areas, building nests on the ground in rock crevices, under shrubs, or in grassy areas.


Find my photographs of Nunavut scenery and Wildlife on my website, Midnight Sunsets


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