Worried Crows — Entry for Feathered Friends — Show Me A Photo Contest Round 165

Been away from bloggish things for a while, but with spring slowly turning into summer, we're spending more time outside, and so it's time to get the camera out again and see where there are birds doing their birdy things!

There was a tremendous ruckus in the greenbelt between the yard and the street, so went to investigate!

This is my entry for the Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 165 challenge organized by @nelinoeva in the Feathered Friends Community. Following this week's theme of "birds on a wire."

All photos by @labyrinths

Official entry photo:

Surveying the situation...

Turned out that the ruckus outside was due to the fact that there was a raccoon — around here we also call them "Trash Pandas" due to their fondness for knocking over rubbish bins and spreading the contents everywhere — roaming the thicket.

Sounding the alarm!

Of course, raccoons are also find of stealing eggs and young out of birds' nests... and since the two crows here are a nesting pair with a nest very close by, they were naturally furious that a trash panda had dared to enter their territory!

Here you can see both of them, but they were rather far away. The raccoon is in the thicket below the flowering tree at left.

The crows gave the raccoon hell for a good ten minutes, until he lumbered off across the street into the greenbelt below our house.

What are YOU looking at?

Sometimes the universe moves in interesting ways. I had just read the topic for this week's SMAP challenge, and realized I had NO recent photos of birds on wires... and then this opportunity magically presented itself, almost on cue!

A little more relaxed, now...

Well, glad to have been able to share some new photos today!

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you enjoyed the pictures!

labyrinths sig.gif


All images are our own, unless otherwise credited!

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