Owls on my way | Photographs 📸

Hello friends bird lovers,

Today I bring you new photographs, as you know I love birds and whenever I have the opportunity I stop to admire and photograph them.

This afternoon I left my house for a moment to go to the bakery, on the way I had to get out of the car to open the main gate of my condominium and I noticed two owls on the perimeter fence. I have seen them gather there before, but the times I have tried to photograph them, they immediately fly away. Fortunately, I had my camera inside the car, and I went for it, I tried to get as close as possible to the birds so as not to scare them away, I preferred to use the zoom of the camera.

Evidently they noticed my presence, but since I didn't get too close, I assume they understood that I posed no threat to them. Still, they were very stealthy.

Hola amigos amantes de las aves,

Hoy les traigo nuevas fotografías, como saben me gustan mucho las aves y siempre que tengo la oportunidad me detengo a admirarlas y fotografiarlas.

Esta tarde salí un momento de mi casa para ir a la panadería, en el camino me tuve que bajar del carro para abrir el portón principal de mi condominio y me percaté que en la cerca perimetral estaban dos lechuzas. Ya anteriormente yo he visto que en ese lugar ellas se reúnen, pero las veces que he intentado fotografiarlas, inmediatamente vuelan. Afortunadamente, tenía mi cámara dentro del carro, y fui por ella, intenté acercarme lo menos posible a las aves para no ahuyentarlas, preferí usar el zoom de la cámara.

Evidentemente ellas notaron mi presencia, pero como no me acerqué demasiado, asumo que entendieron que yo no representaba una amenaza para ellas. Aun así, estuvieron muy sigilosas.








After taking several pictures I continued my trip to the bakery; when I returned, night had fallen, but they were still there. Since I still had to get out of the car to open the gate again, I took the opportunity to take more pictures, but this time in the moonlight.

Después de tomar varias fotos continué mi viaje a la panadería; a mi regreso, ya había oscurecido bastante, pero ellas seguían allí. Como igual debía bajarme del carro para abrir nuevamente el portón, aproveché de tomar más fotografías, pero esta vez a la luz de la luna.



As usual, every time I come across a new bird I like to do a little research on them, Google Lens is an excellent tool to do so, that's how I learned that this species is known as Tecolote Llanero and that the reason why I saw them there between sunset and night, is because that is their time to go out in search of food.

Something that caught my attention was that one of them only rested on one of its legs, while the other one rested on both. I didn't really understand why. What I really liked was their brown plumage with white spots and the intense yellow eyes with which they stare at you so intently that they intimidate you. Definitely, these owls are a very beautiful species of birds.

Algo que me llamó mucho la atención es que una de ellas solo se posaba sobre una de sus patas, mientras que la otra lo hacía con ambas. La verdad no entendí el por qué. Lo que si me gustó mucho fue su plumaje de tonos marrones con pintas blancas y los ojos de un color amarillo intenso con los que te miran tan fijamente, que te intimidan. Definitivamente, estas lechuzas son un tipo de aves muy hermosas.

All photographs in this publication were taken by me with a Sony Cybershot DSC-HX9V camera in automatic and natural light.

Todas las fotografías de esta publicación fueron tomadas por mi con una cámara Sony Cybershot DSC-HX9V en automático y con luz natural.

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