The insight of a galah colour

6 month old

16 month old
Here is your @exptrader again with another insight from Rosakakadus. If you don't know who these fluffy little things are, you can read about them here:

The two galahs are currently two years old (at the time of writing this article). We got them from a breeder and just want to show you how quickly their behaviour has changed.

The structure of the galah is that the back is grey, the bonnet is white and everything else is pink.

When they are still babies, the feathers are also partly grey on the belly and with time (just under 1 year) they get their normal colour, as they are known in Australia, for example.

It should be noted that the females still have pink circles around their eyes.
If you like this kind and insight about galahs, I would be happy about a like.
I would be all the more pleased about comments to broaden your horizon in relation to the galahs

With this in mind, have fun

your @exptrader



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