Go away you silly cat!

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For the past few years, there have been blackbirds nesting in some of the trees growing around the house and neighboring houses too. They can be heard singing very early in the morning and constantly flying around looking for food. It is a pure pleasure to have them so close, if you ask me.

But they have to be very careful not to show where the chicks are. The cats are just waiting to get their paws on them....

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I took the camera to the garden, hoping to catch some smaller birds - sparrows, tits and such. But instead, I saw this lovely blackbird female sitting on the bush quite close to me and not very high from the ground too.

She was watching me, and I was watching her. She seemed calm (the cats were still not around), but very cautious.
I took a few photos and tried to move to a different spot, but she flew away to another bush.

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Now in a higher, safer position on a big pine tree. I guess she spotted the furry predator before I did.

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And here is the furry predator.

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Oh yes, he wanted to catch that birdie. Walking slowly towards the tree with his eyes on the target.

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You are not helping hooman!

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Few more jumps away from the nosy kitty cat. Checked when I was, where the cat was and off to another branch. Always in sight though.

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Kitty called backup :)
But that didn't help much either. They both just sat there under the trees looking up. A bit like me, but with a different purpose ;)

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Off to another branch, a little higher this time.

I know where the nest is, and she kept circling around, not daring to get too close to it. Just watching and making sure the chicks are safe.

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A little later, another one came in. I could hear him scream, but I could not see the bird. I am guessing it was a male. They both feed the chicks after they hatch.

But I had already turned off the camera and slowly started to move away. Let them be and do their thing.

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The cats did not get them, by the way :)

Shot with Nikon D5500 + Tamron 70-300mm lens
All photos and text are my own.

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