Cardinal Visitor

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to enjoy the chance to see a cool bird on the deck!


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Cardinal Visitor

One of the things that's really nice about working from home, among some of the most obvious reasons, is that I get to spend time near a window and a deck! It gives me a chance to take a look outside the window.

One of the things that I need to do, and will hopefully grab some this weekend, is get some bird seed! We have a lot of stuff on the deck, it is just some wood and a lot of the birds end up landing on the deck to check it out, only to realize that there isn't anything interesting. What hasn't happened was me getting a cardinal on the deck until now!


I was in a meeting when I saw something fly by and land, figuring it was something normal like a sparrow or something. Turns out it ended up being a cardinal! I was really excited, I don't see cardinals too often. I'm glad the little critter cooperated long enough for me to snap a few pictures haha.


It was hopping all around the deck looking for things to nibble on, I don't know if they eat the little pieces of wood on the deck but ended up taking off because it wasn't anything it was quite interested in.

Now my project is to get a little bird feeder for the deck! I don't know if that's going to introduce a whole lot of bird shit on the deck though hahaha, so I need to weigh the benefits of that..

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