Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 139

As the weather getting changed, am seeing there are lots of new birds start living near my home. A crow with his babies spend whole day on Acacia tree. Am seeing the efforts of crow feeding his little babies. Two white and black color sparrows are also new in the town. Moreover the red vented bulbul also start spending their whole days now on Acacia tree. Randomly in the day I observed their activities but I don't give too much try to capture their clicks. But still I have some random clicks of these birds, which i clicked in past months. Let's watch them;

These are some pictures of Laali's bird which were busy in finding material for building their nest and I clicked their pictures.

These combination of white and black color sparrows start living near my home after August and are so adorable.

It's just the random click of Mr. Crow when he's looking for something to eat.
In last I have the collection of pictures of Bulbul which I clicked in yesterday's morning.

I hope you enjoyed watching these pictures of birds.

Thanks For Watching........!

Image Source:

Clicked by me.

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