The Adventures of Freddy The Flea Pt 12


Previously on Freddy The Flea:

Fria disguised herself to make it safely past the Roughneck Fleas and Ticks on guard. After taking DaFlea’s coat, she was almost home free. The guards thought she was DaFlea, caught her, then DaFlea came to the ‘rescue’. He made up a story, took Fria to a dark, quiet place, and demanded to know who she was.

Part 12:

‘What is going on here?’ Fria thought.

“I asked you who you are?” demanded DaFlea again. Before Fria could respond, he bombarded her with a barrage of questions.

“Did the FIA send you?”

“Where are the others?”

“Was it the DIA? I told those guys I’m not available right now.”

DaFlea looked Fria straight in the eye again, “Who are you?”

Fria, clearly puzzled, cleared her throat, “ Ahem. Hi, my name is Fria.”

“Fria, FIA,” mumbled DaFlea, “Ahah! You must work for the FIA!”

DaFlea looked around, attempting to see if he could spot anyone else.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know who or what the FIA is.”

DaFlea looked at her, a little perplexed, “The FIA, as in Flea Intelligence Agency. I told them I don’t need any help. Why did they send you?”


“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m just trying to find my friend. Those Ticks and Fleas captured him and took him into that clump of hair,” Fria burst into tears.

DaFlea stared at her for a moment, trying to determine if she was telling the truth. He’d seen many things during this time, including fake cries. Eventually, he made up his mind. She was telling the truth.

“Okay, okay. Calm down. I’m here as an undercover agent. I might have a way to help you find your friend.”

“Really?” Fria’s tears quickly turned into a smile.

“Yes, but first, I need you to give me my coat back.”

Fria gladly returned the coat. It made her feel itchy and uncomfortable. Almost like she’d been bitten by a bunch of little bugs.

“Here’s what we’re going to do.”

DaFlea gave her the run-down of the plan. There were only two entrances into what they call, The Clump of Death. The first one was where they’d come from. The second one was a smaller one. It was more difficult to navigate, however, there were only two Ticks on guard with no Roughneck Fleas about.

En route, DaFlea couldn’t stop chattering. He told her how they’d been there to infiltrate the ring. He’d been deployed there for 6 months already, gathering intelligence, and attempting to get his partner and trainer inside of The Clump of Death. He made up stories about all sorts of sensational victories, to gain the trust and respect of The Roughnecks. Well, most of those stories were true. They just didn’t belong to him, but rather to his trainer who was now inside The Clump of Death.

“Why do they call it The Clump of Death?”

“It’s where only the strongest, bravest, and best warriors ever emerge from.”

Fria’s eyes started bulging. Freddy wasn’t a warrior. What will become of poor Freddy?

“What happens to those that don’t emerge?”

“They are sacrificed. They take them to The Ring of Fire.”

Fria gasped and paused in her tracks, however, DaFlea carried on walking. When he noticed she wasn’t by his side anymore, he looked back.

“Come on,” he said, “and don’t worry. We’ll find your friend.”

“Okay,” Fria said and hurried back to his side. She wasn’t quite sure about DaFlea. She found it difficult to place him. He seemed distant, almost cold. There was something about him though, that made her feel safe.

“It’s not much further now. If anything goes wrong, I want you to take this,” he said as he handed her a small map.

“It’s not complete, but it’s enough to guide you along the safest pathways inside The Clump of Death.”

“I don’t understand.”

DaFlea attempted to pull off a reassuring smile, “Don’t worry. Everything’s going to be okay. Just look at it as extra insurance.”

DaFlea carried on walking and Fria tucked the map away. She was still wondering what happens to the Fleas that emerged from The Clump of Death. She wanted to ask, but then DaFlea waved her down.

“Okay, right there,” he said, pointing to a small opening with two Ticks standing guard. “That’s where we’re going to go in. Now, remember the plan. You’re my prisoner and I need to take you to Lord Tick. Don’t say a word. I’ll do the rest.”

Fria was slightly concerned. Was he going to get them past the Ticks? What if they got caught there and then? Would she have to make a run for it into The Clump of Death?

DaFlea pulled a bottle from his coat, took a big swig, then said, “Come on, let’s go.”

Previous Chapters:












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