The Adventures of Freddy The Flea Pt 8


Previously on Freddy The Flea:

The peaceful journey on top of the mouse got interrupted when the Fleas realized they were heading towards The Gauntlet. An alley that regularly attracted mice due to bins of food, however, it was also the home of some Alley Cats.

Part 8:

As the mouse made its way further up the alley, the air became cold and misty. Every so often, a scurrying sound would send chills up the Fleas spines.

The plan was, for them all to make it up to the lookout point. This would be the best way for Pablo to let them know exactly when they needed to jump. They walked slowly, as all the motion caused the mouse to stop occasionally, scratching away to get rid of the sensation.

Pablo gave instructions in Spanish, which Fria communicated to Freddy.

“If a cat catches the mouse, we’ll have to jump.”

“When Pablo says salto, we need to jump straight away. Things will get quite bumpy, so timing is everything.”

“Pablo hasn’t seen anything yet.”

It wasn’t much longer before Pablo spotted something.

“El gata,” he whispered as he pointed to two glowing eyes ahead.

Everyone watched with abated breathes as the mouse edged ever closer to the cat. There was a chunk of cheese below the cat as it watched from atop an old extractor. The cat’s eyes grew ever larger as they closed in, not looking away from the mouse for a split second.


As the mouse picked up the cheese, it happily started chewing away.

“Prepararse,” Pablo whispered, looking at the glowing orbs now right above them.

They were all ready to jump as soon as Pablo gave the order. All the Fleas could clearly see the cat above, getting ready to pounce.

As soon as the cat pounced, Pablo shouted, “Salto!”

It was like absolute chaos had erupted. Bits of cheese went flying everywhere, and Fleas were jumping all around.

“Jump Freddy!” Fria shouted.

As the pair launched into the air, they aimed straight towards the cat’s front leg. A chunk of cheese came flying past, knocking them completely off course. The two went tumbling down onto the cold cement. The cold, wet floor sent a shiver down Freddy’s spine.

Freddy looked at Fria, lying motionless on the ground a few paces away. He rushed towards her, completely forgetting about the chaos.

“Fria,” he said, shaking her slightly.


With a grunt and a groan, Fria came around. She felt the cold, wet floor below.

“No, no!” Fria yelled as she got back up, realizing they didn't make the jump.

They could see the cat and the mouse a short distance away, with shouts coming from their friends.

“Aprisa, Fria! ¡Aprisa, Freddy!”

“Quickly!” they Heard Pablo shout.

The two Fleas started jumping towards the cat. It was quite a distance to cover. They jumped as hard and fast as they could.

The saw the cat had the mouse pinned down by its tale, getting ready to swipe.

“Just a few more jumps,” Freddy said, as he tried catching his breath.

As the cat swiped down towards the mouse, another cat came about, seemingly out of nowhere.

He went diving, claws first into the other. A few Rolls and tumbles later and the cats were back on their feet, hissing at each other. The mouse spotted the opportunity and quickly scurried away as the cats kept each other occupied.

Fria and Freddy made it to the cats, however, the one that suddenly came about was now blocking their path to their friends.

“We have no choice,” Fria said, exhausted.

“We’re going to have to jump onto this cat.”

Freddy simply nodded in agreement and the pair jumped onto the cat’s tail.

When they landed, they were both exhausted. The physical and mental strain had taken its toll as the two Fleas just lay there.

Finally, Freddy spoke up.

“What are we going to do now, Fria?”

“I’m not sure, but we’ll figure it out.”

Fria was concerned though. They were now two lonely Fleas in potentially dangerous territory. Without their friends around, this could be their bumpiest ride yet.

Previous Chapters:









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