The Adventures of Freddy The Flea Pt 10


Previously on Freddy The Flea:

Freddy and Fria were making their way up the cat’s tail to get a better vantage point. While Fria was busy looking around to see what she could make out in the world around them, Freddy got captured by some Roughneck Fleas and Ticks.

Part 10:

“No, no, no,” Fria said to herself.

She had no idea what to do. How was she going to help Freddy?

“How do you know if a Flea is dead?” one of the Roughnecks asked.


“When he’s walking with us!”

They all burst into laughter as they looked towards Freddy and shoved him around a bit. This made Fria’s blood boil however she knew she couldn’t just run in there Gung Ho and grab him. It would be suicide! She had to try and keep her cool.

Every so often, a few members of the group would split off and check the surrounding area. The first time it happened, it caught Fria off guard. One of the members nearly spotted her. He came so close she could hear his breathing. If it wasn’t for another one calling him, she would most certainly have been caught.

This close call reminded her about something in her younger days. Fria was a huge fan of Bruce Flea, so she went into more of a roleplaying mode. Bruce Flea was famous for his Kung Fu skills and regularly put on shows to everyone's delight. She’d role, duck, dive and jump around like a Ninja.

‘Now you see me, now you don’t. Poof! Like magic, I’m gone!’ the thoughts reverberated in her head.

She’d glare at the group through squinted eyes, moving from one clump of hair to another. As soon as she noticed they were about to split off, Fria made her way high up to vanish from sight.

Fria’s Ninja roleplaying game helped her to successfully follow the group all the way to their base. Once there, she had to be extra careful. The area was covered with Roughneck Fleas and Ticks. Many of them were stumbling around. Occasional fights would break out and it all just seemed like one big mess.

Fria thought it best to try and blend in with the crowds. She saw one of the Roughneck Fleas passed out in a quiet, dark patch. When she approached, he had a bottle clutched in one hand. Drool was running down the side of his cheek and his snores drilled deep into her ears. What caught her eye though, was the coat he was lying under. It was the same coat many of them were wearing.

She quickly looked around to see where the group was. They were moving along much slower now as they occasionally stopped and chatted to others.

Fria tried to carefully lift the coat. As she did, the Roughneck grumbled, rolled onto his side, and clutched the coat with his free hand.

‘Oh no,’ she thought.

Fria looked around and saw the group was on the move again. She had to make a move and make it quick.

She saw a fine little baby hair lying next to him. These would occasionally come off and were relatively common on hosts. Usually, they’d come loose due to friction of some sort. Other times, they’d continue to grow into normal, adult-type hair.

Fria picked up the hair and gently tickled his nose with it. The Roughneck, wanting to scratch the irritation, brought his hand up clutching the bottle, smack, into his face.

“Ouch,” he grumbled.

Fria got a fright but quickly managed to calm herself.

“Shhhh, it’s just a dream,” she gently whispered.


The Roughneck grumbled a little before turning over to his other side. He’d let go of the coat. Fria gently lifted it off, covered herself, and quickly made her way towards where the group had headed.

She moved along, sticking to the shadows. As she caught up with the group, they disappeared into a large clump of hair. There was an arch-like entrance, guarded by two Ticks.


There were various Coated Roughneck Flea’s around that would occasionally grab some passersby, rough them up a little, and then send them on their way. Fria wanted to see if she could find another way in. It would be way too risky to try and get in through there. The only problem was that she would have to pass close by the guards and those Coats. There was no other way around.

'What am I going to do if they grab me?'

'What if they figure out I'm not from here?'

'How can I get past them unnoticed?'

That's when Fria came up with an idea. An idea that might just work.

Previous Chapters:











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