Christmas At Holoz0r's

Christmas At Holoz0r's

It's warm here in Australia right now, as it's close to the middle of Summer. Thankfully Christmas Day wasn't too hot this year.

I'd been invited to @holoz0r's house for Christmas again this year, which after last year's amazing event, it was something I couldn't really refuse. It was like being forced to be festive.

Get festive or else...!

I am kidding. I was asked to bring apathy and I did my best to do just that, but I was relatively happy so I don't know how successful I was.

It's people, not presents that makes Christmas special.
I know it's difficult to see it sometimes when the focus is on commercialisation and showing off your brand new toys, goodies and life improvement.

Thankfully the day was warm, but not ridiculously hot like the last few days.

I arrived and greeted both him and his wife, Sharn, and to find salmon just finished being cooked and then being prepared to be recombined into another meal that included pasta and broccoli, appropriately named "Salmon Pasta". See the title photo to see @holoz0r dishing it up.

Salmon Pasta

A neighbour showed up before it was dished up and had some too. It was amazing.

From a nearby window, Mia the cat flashed me a demonic glare of contempt as I had my phone camera pointed elsewhere, but I managed to capture this photo before she went into a cat nap.

Mia the cat

Sharn had prepared a dish she called "Beeferoni".

Sharn's Beeferoni

It contains beef mince, pasta and several types of grated cheese, but as it's not my recipe you'll have to Google the instructions for yourselves.

Sharn's Beeferoni plated up

It tastes simply divine.

A few more friends turned up and we settled down to eat and talk about all and sundry.
I met these friends last year at the same location and it's interesting to see how people's lives have changed over that time.

This time there were less people, but the lower numbers meant that there was more opportunity for people to open up and discuss various things at a deeper level.

We discussed books, current reading and future reading. I've already mentioned having a stack to go through in a previous post and even came home with a copy of The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F#ck with the promise to write my name in the book and then pass it on to someone else. I'll get to it eventually.

I'm currently reading Embrace Your Limitiations by Laurence Mooney. It's pretty good so far. It's an anti "self help" book.

Next up will be some financial management books. I am looking into more fiat based investing and improving my employment prospects. More on that in future posts.

Other foods included things like rasberries, blueberries, prawns, Yo-Yo Biscuits (a locally made small "cookie"), sugary coated peanuts and chocolate coated almonds, you know, "nibbles".

Over time, some guests left to attend their various commitments and Sharn went to bed while those that remained retired to the lounge room to watch Holoz0r play Gran Turismo 7.

All too soon it was time to leave for home and reflect on the lessons of the day.

Thank you for reading.


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