It's time to put yourself first

And you play the most important role in being the best version of yourself.


It was time to go for an annual health check up and last week we both went for a full body check up, that is sponsored by the company. This time, I insisted to go to a better facility instead of the one that they are tied up with. Because, going to a substandard facility that would give erroneous report, is more stressful because, it creates unnecessary panic in us. Kudos to our HR to respect my concern and request our health provider MFine to arrange the health check up at facilities suggested by me. They agreed to book ProHealth, the premium health check up package at Apollo Hospitals, along with some additional tests, that is mandatory as per company policy.



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Health check ups are now considered as a must to have discipline in life, and it's true that, even though we might look fit, we may not be really healthy, and health check up helps us to find out any abnormality. But the way its advertised does not sound correct to me, because I believe, these are some corporate advertisements to scale their business, and our lifestyle is the primary root cause of all health issues. Our health plays an important role in being the best version of ourselves, but we play the most important role in shaping up our health. And following a strict discipline in maintaining a good lifestyle, nutritious food, good sleep and exercise are the key ingredients of building a healthy life. And till date, there has been no instruments discovered to measure your stress level, but they blame stress as the root cause of all the problems. So what you see in your test reports are results of what you cultivate in your daily life, and you should be the best doctor to feel your body and do the remedy.





These advertisements looks nice when we go there, but it's really important, how much we follow and fix after they evaluate our health status and guide us towards a better health. Sometimes they even raise concerns over small risks, but don't get stressed if its really not critical, it's their job to panic you so that they can convince you do these tests repeatedly.


Look at the disclaimer, no one guarantees the accuracy and I have gone through these a lot. So after going through all the process, I decide the best course of action myself and work on that for a long time. For example, if your Vitamin D level is low (which is true for most people now a days), then you may take tablets to improve it, but that is not the permanent solution. Instead the permanent solution is to spend 10–30 minutes in sunlight and make it a habit, so that you will not need to take these tablets again.

So the point I want to make in this post is that, its very important for you to understand your reports and its root cause and consequence and take the right decision instead of just going through their recommendations.


They put all kinds of fancy words like holistic care, AI powered risk scores etc to make you feel they care for you, but in reality, all they care is the money that you spend. Unfortunately, the law does not hold them accountable so unless you are in control of your health, they will loot you like anything.


Scared of needles - how many of you did not go to school because there was vaccination program ? Reminds me those old good days.






Look at the excitement - Fourteen hours of fasting and then this food tastes amazing, but in reality, we have forgotten to enjoy the food because of our busy or fast paced life. I have already started to spend more time eating and enjoying every meal since my third innings.




Overall, the experience this time was nice, the lunch at the canteen ( we had to pay for that) could have been better.




Before wrapping up this post, let me tell you a fact - my reports found out few concerning observations, and if I try to find out the consequence then what I see is that the result isn't entirely normal, but it's not conclusively abnormal either. What can you say !!!🙃



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