A surgery is inevitable

Adenoidectomy is the only way forward and choosing the right doctor is the most difficult task.


Life has it's own twists - hardly more than a week gone after his results were out and now he has to go for a surgery. We were surprised to find out that his Adenoids have grown to such a stage that he can't breathe normally and it has to be taken out by a surgery. And all this after we voluntarily walked in for a nasal endoscopy, which was due from more than a month. He had this nose block issue often and he would use the Otrivin nasal drop and things would be all right, I never realized it was this bad. However I reported the problem to my homeopathy doctor in Bangalore and started treatments three months back. She said, usually it goes away in children and her medicines will help. However, after couple of month's of medicine, he did not feel any big difference. So she advised for a nasal endoscopy. We went to the nearby hospital and paid for the endoscopy, but unfortunately the doctor refused twice asking us to come later, because of rush in their OT for accidental cases. This was all before we went to Kashmir, the bill was with us, so after coming we thought we would happily walk in and get the endoscopy done and send the reports to her, and then she can do better treatments.

Things changed completely - the endoscopy indicated that surgery was the way forward and did more damages. The doctor prescribed some antibiotics saying that would help with the infection inside, and advised for a CT scan as well to see the position of sinus.


Ideally the endoscopy should have come with a report, giving the size of the Adenoids along with some pictures, but I was shocked to find out that they won't give any report. I asked if they would allow me to take pictures / videos and they initially said NO, but then I insisted and captured videos so that I can send it to someone else. I would recommend not to go this hospital for nasal endoscopy at least, instead go somewhere else which gives proper reports.


And after seeing the CT scan report he said a surgery was inevitable - the Adenoids has to be removed and also the sinus on one side be treated. So come back after ten days of medicine after things heal inside. However, he could not breath throw his nose on that night. They put some cottons inside with some local anesthesia and he felt as if those were left inside and choking him. I had to rush again to find out a short term remedy and take opinion from other doctors. I did not feel like going to the same hospital /doctor again.

The next doctor I met was from a very closed reference and he advised we remove the tonsils in the same sitting as well. Otherwise that would grow afterwards (they are like brothers - seriously !!). And Otrivin is the root cause of all this problem and is like an addiction and should have never been used. And he has to undergo an allergy test and continue some medicines for few years, as he will definitely have allergies. To his problem of breathing, he advised a sinopure kit to clean the nasal passage every few hours. It comes with sachets of sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate powder and a container and taught how to use that. And come back after 10 days to finalize the surgery.


I was not fully convinced with his theory of getting the tonsils removed just because he was going for a surgery. So I consulted another doctor in a nearby super specialty hospital, referred by a close family source who retired as an ENT professor few years back.




The doctor prescribed Audiometry and Tympanometry tests to further evaluate the damage of ears. The reports came fine, but he scared me more saying this should have been taken care long back and it potentially have impact on heart as well. And apart from the Adenoids removal and sinus repair, the bone inside the neck is slightly tilt and has to be straightened, because that is impacting the sinus. Tonsils are normal and they do not needs to be removed. It will be a 3-4 hours surgery, everything will be done inside the nose, not visible outside, so nothing to worry. Man, does not that increase complexity ? He is just a kid.

Seriously you are telling me that you have to fix that nose bone ? Had an heated argument on that, so much so that he told me you go and do the surgery yourself. Man, why would I come here if that was possible !! If you are a father, then you will understand. I just want minimum invasive surgery, only that much that is needed - unlike you fix everything at one go which could have more complications.

My inner conscience was not agreeing to these doctors and I decided to consult a third doctor and asked few other doctor friends from my society. A doctor friend advised to consult Dr. Debabrata Panigrahi, from Care hospitals. Just then his uncle came in and said we should meet him at his clinic in the evening itself. Without any delay we rushed there and finally felt like he was the man - what all coincidences - wouldn't you call all this Luck !! He told exactly the way I was feeling - operate only that much as necessary. If Tonsils will be a problem in future, we can get it removed later, but he feels 100% it won't be a problem. Right now, it will be just the adenoidectomy and sinus that will be fixed. And we are going in today - the surgery being planned early morning tomorrow. It is not a major surgery but, every surgery has a bit of risk which we have to agree on. We have already done the paper work for the insurance.

Wish us luck - let the kid pass this and come stronger. And before I wrap this , I must tell you that using that sinopure kit did really help to remove these blockages.

It feels like skin, but its not - just some hardened stuff from nose block and infection.


And the process of using that sinopure kit is nothing but Jala neti - one of the six yogic purification kriyas from our Hindu yogic system of body cleansing techniques. You can read more about it here - a page from Narayana health organization. Their name is enough - you can certainly understand the importance of these ancient techniques - you don't need to be an Hindu to practice these, anyone from any religion can do this. And most importantly if you have kids, teach them (if you can) to do Jala neti weekly once or twice - this is the easiest among all the kriyas but does have a very powerful impact on building their immunity.

Note - this post is not to complain about any doctor or recommend any doctor or hospital. It's just from my feelings / emotion - and educate others, if it can.



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