Serenity is priceless.

However, a price is paid if we ignore or suppress our desperate need for serenity. An expensive price as it affects our health.

Sit ye still, clear the mind of worries and stresses to allow serenity to enter your mind and soul.

Allow the fresh and calm mountain waters to wash over your mind and to cleanse it anew. Feel that special peace in your heart and know that all will be well. We lead rushing lives and the world tries it's best to crush us with continued trials and performance pressures. Family life can get difficult and a hundred other things can tear our thoughts apart until we feel listless and irritable. In the meantime we do not realize that the five most important organs in our bodies are starting to suffer from the stresses and eventually some of them will gradually start to get ill.
This is not a scare story, but to show you the dire need for cleansing.
Mental cleansing can heal many ills.


Meditation is a great help and normally my focus is upon inner peace. So I can sit and drink all of the sights in to allow Mother nature to nurse my troubled soul.


I have taken 3 stanzas of this lovely poem to fit into my post.


Serenity infuses an unbounded peace that flows within
A refuge in unwavering tranquility
Possessing an intensity so luminous and warm
Breathed into the very soul of me

As I reduce the rate of speed, in which my world spins
A calming glow emanates from me
Enlightening my very essence from the peace, I feel within
Releasing all my fears into the breeze

I have found my refuge in unwavering tranquility
In the calmness of the ending of my day
Serenity, which is boundless, has infused my very soul
As I quietly watch, my worries slip away

By: Neva Flores Varga Smith Jun 2010


Do you see that bird on it's nest in the photo below? Look on the water.

It's a Red-knobbed Coot and its entire life is mapped out in acceptance. It will accept whatever comes its way. Unfortunately, our human traits are to internalize all bad occurrences until we explode. Allow meditation to wash it all away.


Finally we were on our way back and it was a great occasion.

Now I am not a doctor, or some healer, as I have only shown you here what works for me. Silence has incredible strength and when one mixes silence with calm water then it becomes a potent mental brew. A Christian belief is that their sins are washed away. Many other religions and faiths hold the same wash away belief and the important thing is that fresh water can heal one mentally.
Just my way of looking at life and it really works for me.

I hope that you have enjoyed the story and the images.

And That's All Friends.

Photos by Zac Smith-All Rights Reserved.

Camera: Canon Powershot SX70HS Bridge camera.

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