Right or Wrong?

So, there I stood, looking at my handiwork, trying to convince myself that my cord braiding which was meant to add a finishing touch to our newly installed handrails, went with the rustic look I was trying to achieve, except, my braiding was way too rustic!

Along came Bonginkosi, who took one look at my face, and my attempt, and started chuckling, confirming my suspicions!

He started braiding another section, so I took a peek to see how he was doing and immediately saw why he was so amused.

Perfection indeed!

This was my attempt, not a pretty sight, right?

OK, thought I, it's time to throw in the towel and leave the job to the expert; this was braiding at its best, a skill I still need to learn!

Onto Hair Braiding

...braiding patterns were used to identify tribe, age, wealth, marital status and religion.

My housekeeper often arrives at work with the most beautiful, intricate braided hairstyles, but I think hers has more to do with current braiding trends, as with our young guest.

This certainly is a skill that requires hours of concentration, patience, and much practice to hone it down to perfection!


Penny Wise, Pound foolish

What does braiding have to do with this?

Well, I've learnt some lessons since the day my darling man left this world; from hardware to life skills.

I also bumped my head a couple of times by rushing off in a panic to the closest hardware store to buy plumbing or electrical supplies, surprised at the amazingly low cost, BUT I discovered very soon why that's the case.

I can still hear hubby's voice saying:

If you buy rubbish, don't expect it to last very long.

I bought two kitchen sink mixers in the past six months - the first one of inferior quality lasted probably three months, and the top-notch brand I bought next will likely outlive me, I'm told!

Trying to save pennies is a sure way to see your hard-earned money going down the drain, as it ends up costing way more in the end.

The same goes for getting the right person to do the job. I've bumped my head a couple of times with that one, if your handyman is unsure, call the experts in the particular field!

when the going gets tough, think twice before acting, or the problem could turn into a hornet's nest! (a little like my attempt at braiding)

As with all decisions, there's either a right way, or the wrong way, with no chance of going back!

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