Will You Be Going Gold Soon?

Hello, Silver Bloggers and everyone in the Hive! It's a beautiful weekend, yay!

On a celebration sometime ago, someone who I haven't met for so long a time asked me about what I do. I told her I am a farmer to which she laughed with an expression of disbelief and some kind of sarcasm on her face. She took my hands and after staring at them, she said I was lying. For a moment I thought she can read palms. "There were not any traces of blisters or calluses on your hands so don't insist you work in the farm," she continued.

To make her stop (because she was quite loud and already drawing attention from other people), I told her that I no longer work and just stay at home. But then, more questions flew in, most of which I wasn't really keen on answering. I was just glad that someone called out saying the food was ready so the inquiry (more like an interrogation) stopped. Writing this made me wish I knew about the SB community then, I would have told her I am a Silver Blogger.☺

But yes, I've been retired from formal work for years and now enjoys a simple, slow-paced, seemingly stress-free life with the farm boy here in the countryside - tapping my computer keyboard most hours every day, getting mesmerized by nature, playing with soil and water through gardening (not often as I wished though), and trying to live each day uniquely and differently:

  • at times like a kid or a teen (feeling so young and free),
  • some days like a granny (when experiencing some bodily pains),
  • at most, fabulously (silly, playful, happy, almost stress-free)

I could say I have a zest for life and see it as beautiful no matter the circumstances and always feel grateful for everything and anything that comes my way.

Like anyone in the community, I love taking photographs, capturing moments, creating memories, going for adventures and writing about them and anything else that I can muse about here in the blockchain. I now feel a bit naked from writing so much, lol!

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.”

-Henry Ford

I am a firm believer that learning never stops, else our growth halts too. There is so much to learn in life and around us. They sprout each and every day and most of them excite me. Cryptocurrency for instance, which I am still learning in general despite the fact that I have used Bitcoin since many years back (2014-15). So yes, the lesson goes on...

And oh, did I mention about my number? I am 40+ turning 40++ middle of this year. I had a single silver strand on my head until the farm boy plucked it out without a warning, lol! For sure there will be more sooner or later and I am not going to make a fuss out of them when they do come out.

But then, I might actually do... time will tell.

I remembered one time when noticing my mom had her hair colored again, I foolishly teased her saying she should wear her silvery hair proudly as if they were her crown. She earned them through the years and why not flaunt them. "They are so itchy! I wonder what you would do if it was your head," she teased back. I couldn't say a thing but laughed it out.

Yeah, that's me... And I'd like to think that I am aging gracefully, amazingly and beautifully, both in mind and in body. (I hope that didn't sound too egotistical, LOL!)

A few weeks ago while thinking about my Silvery name, I asked for the farm boy's idea and he inquired what it is for. Told him it was for the Silver Bloggers community in Hive which I am a member of. "Why silver blogger"? he was curious to know. "Is there a ranking and will you be going gold soon?" he continued which made me giggle much.

I answered not really, just that the members of the community are like him and me. "Like us? You mean married people with no kids?" he interrupted. I laughed out loud because I couldn't contain my mirth any longer. He got a confused expression on his face, eagerly waiting for me to explain further.

"Silver Bloggers because the members are like us - beyond 40, retired or on their way to retiring." I explained.

"But not really because some are below that age bracket but they are an "old soul" so to speak," I corrected myself and he understood.

Thank you and this is my wee story and my whys in participation to the Blog of the Month on the topic "I am a silver blogger: why"

All photos are my own. 05.03.22/12:07PH

FarmGirl writes from their lil kingdom in the mountains of PH.
She is also on Read -o- Noise -o- Torum -o- Twitter

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