Some Things Lost...

Over the years, I have learnt a thing or two, some I have kept and carry until now, others I have already lost or shall I say set aside?

When the husband and I just got married, he spoiled me that I never had to do any cooking. Guess he didn't really like the taste of what I make so he always did them, LOL! I had little to no ounce of creativity and never really approached cooking with reckless abandon, nor I was not confident to try things out.

Things changed however when we moved to our own house and the above photo was one of those things that I learnt to love and do as I experimented in the kitchen. Back then (2017-18) I would scour YouTube for videos on how to's and that's how I made my very first ice cream roll which was quite a success.

But then after sometime, I lost it... I don't even remember when was the last time I baked something in the oven nor created something different from the usual. It did make me wonder why and because I couldn't find a reason, I'm intentionally putting the blame to my hormones, lol!

The good thing is that whilst I lost that newly-acquired "passion" in the kitchen, I did learn another and I call it mini-gardening.

A few years back (still at the other house), I brought out tea cups, mugs and recycled candy cans, planting them with tiny cacti and succulents. Even cut out plastic bottles and containers to grow my yard plants on.

Then I lost it again...

I don't know when I will be able to pick these back up but they certainly were fun memories to me. I haven't done neither of the above here at our second home, but I picked up another, something I enjoy and make time for.

What is it, you might ask...

I'd say it's what I do everyday - having a blast sharing things and memories here on Hive through my write-ups. And I'd like to think that I won't be losing it anytime soon, nor in the years to come... 'coz that would be really sad.

This by the way is my participation to the SilverPrompts for the month.

Thank you for chugging along with me today and everyday.

Photos are my own. 040922/09:35ph

Smile... laugh often... love more... be happy and grateful always!

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