Flashbacks of Yesteryears

It was a bright, warm mid-morning when she shut the door behind her and went on for an adventure. She's been spending too much time indoors during the week but she realized her legs needed some good workout and with the weather permitting, she sashayed away from their yard, joyfully humming a tune in her head.

"Aah, thank G for this fabulous day!" she smiled and went on her way. They don't have any parks nearby and even if they did, she would rather go along the farm road not so far away. There's much more privacy and peace there, plus the scenery is better too.

Speaking of, she arrived at a half-barren field, a small part of it was growing cut flowers in open greenhouses, while the rest of the land was dry and weeds were starting to crawl everywhere.

She stood there for a while wondering who was tending to that farm. She learned that the previous one went home months ago. Despite the field being kind of empty, the view from there was amazing. She imagined the sunset would be spectacular too!

She was about to leave when she noticed a young man with a baby in his arms coming out of the farmhouse. "So he's the new farmer for this place..." she thought as she quietly walked away, not wanting to bother anyone around.

She proceeded along the path toward the edge of the field. Similarly, most of them were dry. It occurred to her that irrigation is lacking in that area and most of the land will be out of plants throughout the summer.

She loved the contrast between the dense forest and the fields which were mostly grey or were they brown?

Descending further down, she came to a bodega just beside the farm road. No one was around, well except for some chickens who seemed to be guarding the place.

Her mind traveled all the way back when she was growing up. "How come we never had any chickens in our yard before?" she was baffled.

They did have dogs, some came and went way too soon. There was Brownie, Labang, Blackie, Grandy, and what else.

Anyhow, her attention was caught by beautiful blooms a few yards away from the chicken coop. Passion fruit flowers always mesmerize her. The intricate details in them are simply mind-blowing.

The fruit took her on a second trip down memory lane. It was one of her favorites and on off-school days, she and her cousins would embark on a hunt for such fruits.

They loved them ripe and would soak them in vinegar with salt. Their lips would usually turn white because they drank the vinegar afterward. Her father would scold them saying they were supposed to eat the fruit naturally and not spoil it by adding stuff.

They were stubborn, to say the least. Her Mom was an accomplice, advising her to hide the bottle of vinegar under their bed, lol!

"Oh, those were the days..." she mumbled with a grin on her lips. Then she noticed yet another plant that brought her memory to many years back.

Wild berries!

They were sure tasty as far as she can remember but their shrubs are thorny. She got entangled in one of them when she fell down from a hide-and-seek game with her cousins in the mountains. Not so fun, huh?

You bet!

Then her stomach growled, making her realize it was almost lunchtime. While there were many things yet to see and explore out there, she needed to be home. But one thing is for sure, she enjoyed those moments of flashbacks of their yesteryears.

This blackjack weed plant had a lot to tell too, but that will be a story for another day.

It's Tuesday here and that was just me replaying a walk many moons ago while at the other place. The photos did remind me of some unforgettable fun memories during my childhood years.

Happy new day, frens!

All photos are my own. 21112023/12:30ph

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