Letting Myself Off The Hook - Day 2 - 100 Day Project

Day 2 of #the100dayproject started with a practical idea to make some greetings card backgrounds. I have 3 upcoming birthdays in March and 3 in April. Plus Mother's Day so I'll need 8 cards in all.

In order to get ahead of the game I decided I'd make 10 since it's always faster to batch make rather than do 1 at a time.

However, batch making went out the window with the first card so I just made them one by one. Well, actually I made 5 rather than 10. Well actually I made 4 because one was already done. 😂


I think I might have been a little ambitious with my goal of 10 but I was pleased that as soon as I started feeling some pressure about running out of time I let myself of the hook.

This project is about being consistent and having fun, not about quantity and numbers. Except for the 100 days of course. I'd really love to meet that particular target. 😁

Any hoo. I digress. Back to the making . . .

I had some store bought blank cards so I grabbed those. Then I just walked around the attic and worked with what ever caught my eye.

This was the result.

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Card Background Number 1


This one was pretty fast to make since I'd already done the collage.

A few weeks back I was making a little book of collages from a National Trust Annual Report document using paper scraps I had lying around.

Since I had no use for a little collage booklet I took apart what I'd done and used one of the pages for this background. It's already got a lot going on so I don't expect I'll add much more to it. Maybe a greeting.

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Card Background Number 2


This is another page from the little collage booklet. It was extremely fragile to work with since the base is tissue paper that came in a shoe box and rips easily.

I'd printed the paper previously. I had used it to clean off stencils and paint brushes. Since it's tissue you can see the print from the National Trust report peeking through which adds interest.

This one definitely needs more work before it becomes a fully fledged greetings card.

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Card Background Number 3


The card used here has as sweet little story dating back some 20 odd years. 😂

When my son was little he started to make me a card and did the classic running out of space trick. He ended up with the "a" and "y" of birthday on the line below "happy birthd" 😇

He must have discarded the card and made another one because I found it some time ago and it ended up in the attic. I have been using it to clean off a scraper tool which is the paint you can see in the far background.

Today I added some hand decorated papers. The scrunchy bright background is paper that some flowers came wrapped in. I used it to test whether or not my flow paints had dried up and the pattern was made from the drips and scrunching up the paper.

The flower was torn from the same paper and decorated with the little black circles and a piece of broken jewerly in the centre.

The stem is some copper wire I picked up in the street after some telephone engineers had left it behind and the black leaves are fabric from an old Indian cushion.

The paper with the red on it is just an old book page which, again, I used to clean my brushes on and then tarted up a bit with a white Posca pen.

This, I think, is pretty much a completed card.

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Card Background Number 4

Card 4 was made by painting it with silver water colour and then adding some more of the scrunchy flower wrap paper.

This one obviousy needs more work.


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Card Background Number 5


And, finally, number 5 is the "cheat". I'd already made this one. It simply a piece of paper stuck on the card, that was printed on my Gelli plate.

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So there you have it. Five greetings card backgrounds. Not a bad attempt for Day 2.

I'm going to have to get a lot faster at writing these posts though or I'm going to have to make the projects smaller.

I'm very happy with my first 2 days. What fun!

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If I can find some time I will add an index of The 100 Day Project posts, or maybe just a previous and last link. That's not going to happen today though.

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💚 And, finally, I'd like to thank everyone who's cheering me on.
Your support is very much appreciated. 💚

@denmarkguy, @alchemystones, @steevc, @shanibeer, @nickydee

Please let me know if you'd like to be added to the list or if you'd like to join the challenge yourself.

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