Dinner for one

Yesterday was a very long day. Actually, it's a long few days. Still is. As I write, I'm waiting for news.


The Husband has been quite unwell. Most of you know that he's a dedicated carnivore with an appetite of a growing 16 year old. So when all he wants will have for supper is a couple of slices of cucumber, I am more than worried. A doctor's visit on Monday saw a hasty admission to a hospital two towns away and a CT scan and other tests.


Much of the day was hurry-up-and wait - for a CT scan while The Husband's arms were leeched of blood - for test, you know. I ran a few errands, spent time with him and spent about an hour in the hospital canteen working. And having a bite to eat. The Husband had been instructed - nil per mouth. In case emergency surgery was called for.

When I left, mid-afternoon, to come home, we still didn't know what was happening. We did know that he would probably have surgery - either that evening or the next day.

Doctors' rounds happened about an hour after I got home and the news was mostly good: the blood tests show that all the vital organise are functioning well. The CT scan showed a not unusual complication associated with the condition for which he was already slated for surgery. But which had been delayed - from yesterday - yes...don't say it... Anyway, more precautionary tests and then the delayed operation. Today.


So that was yesterday's supper for one.

News just in: the surgery went well. He's back in the ward - not in high or intensive care.

And yes, this evening, it'll be another dinner for one.

Until next time, be well
The Sandbag House
McGregor, South Africa

Photo: Selma
Post script

If this post might seem familiar, it's because I'm doing two things:

  • re-vamping old recipes. As I do this, I am adding them in a file format that you can download and print. If you download recipes, buy me a coffee. Or better yet, a glass of wine....?
  • and "re-capturing" nearly two years' worth of posts.
I blog to the Hive blockchain using a number of decentralised appplications.
  • From Wordpress, I use the Exxp Wordpress plugin. If this rocks your socks, click here or on on the image below to sign up.

Original artwork: @artywink
  • lastly, graphics are created using partly my own photographs, images available freely available on @hive.blog and Canva.
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