Chooseday for a Tuesday!

Tuesday or Chooseday?

It's Choose-day!

From the moment we wake up, we already have to choose. If we are going to get out of bed or to stay a little longer. If we're gonna hit the snooze button or just completely turn off the alarm. Some are lucky that they can choose to stay longer however there are some people who choose to stay longer but have to get up because of their responsibilities.

Photo credit: Oliver Roos

In everything, we have to choose. From what to wear, what to eat for breakfast, what are we gonna do first, where are we going, what to say to the first person we see, to the first message that we are going to send to those people that we care about.

And sometimes, it is not just a simple choice of what to do, sometimes we really need to make a decision. Personal decisions to business decisions, it is a wide range of stuff that needs careful thinking. Sometimes one simple choice can change your path in life in a split second. Yes, in a split second everything can change if you don't carefully think about all the choices that are laid down on you. Scary isn't it? Some say it is scary but I think it's exciting.

Life as they say is just like a roller coaster, sometimes you're at the top and sometimes you're down. However, if you're gonna look at it, both up and down are both thrilling, both exciting. Because it goes back down to having your choices. You have a choice on how you're gonna look at it, on how you are going to handle it. And I chose to look at it as thrilling, mind-blowing, and exciting. It is us who make our path in life, It is we who choose which path to take. So, why don't we choose the better choice, the one that will give us more smiles? Let's keep on choosing until our choices run down.

Choose to be happy.

Choose to stay calm.

Choose to give than to receive.

Choose to take care of people rather than being taken care of.

Choose to be patient.

Choose to be a blessing to others.

Choose to be humble.

Choose to be kind.

Choose to love.

Choose to be you.

Photo Credit: Steve Harris

Choosing to be you is always the best choice. Because it is when you choose to be yourself that everything will fall in its right places.

Choose to mind your own business and focus your energy on things that will improve your life.

Choose to be kind, not only with other people but with yourself too.

Choose to love. It makes the world more colorful, more beautiful. It makes the world full of roses even if there are thorny days. It makes the world full of sweet nothings. But while you are loving others choose to love yourself too. There is no better love than loving yourself and no one can love you more than you can love yourself. (still reminding myself of this every day)

Chooseday isn't it?

But whatever day it is may it be Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday always choose what makes you happy. Always choose what's make you smile. Always choose something that will make the world a better place. Always choose to start it with you and never wait for others to do it for you. It's ok if others don't choose to follow you, they have their own choices, they have their own path. What's important is what you choose for yourself.

Happy Choose-day Everyone! and oops before I forget.

Choose to take care of yourself, especially these days. You know that health is wealth so let's just all be wealthy by making ourselves all healthy. There is no better wealth than having a healthy body and living a long life.

See, life is really a matter of choosing. Choose wisely.


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All text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited
March 8, 2022

“Fall in love with taking care of yourself. Fall in love with the path of deep healing. Fall in love with becoming the best version of yourself but with patience, with compassion, and respect to your own journey.” —S. McNutt

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