Memoir Monday 22 / Embracing optimism

Greetings friends of the Silver Blogger community, I'm here again to answer the question from @ericvancewalton on his Memory Monday №22. A complex question from my point of view.

How did you manage the periods of your life when you had less money?


I must start by saying that having a lot of money has not been a constant in my life. I have led, if you will, a modest, but somewhat comfortable life. A life where I could decide what to eat and buy from the variety of products that existed. A life where I could go on vacation with my children to some part of the country, to visit relatives in another state. I never traveled abroad, the opportunity never presented itself.

A life where I could buy: books, magazines, shoes, records, cassettes or music CDs according to the season, and have the possibility of replacing electrical appliances when one was damaged. A life where I could go to the doctor or take my family, get treatments, tests, even surgical procedures, when these were necessary.

My life changed abruptly approximately 8 years ago, due to the political problems in the country. I reached a situation where getting food was something dramatic, but not only for me, but for the great majority of the country. I then experienced having to go to bed without eating on some occasions.

I experienced the feeling of uncertainty, of not knowing how the next day would turn out and how to resolve it. I lost a lot of weight, let's say that was positive, and I learned to live in austerity, which is how I live today.

At this time I have a little more chance of finding all the articles and products of the daily diet; but there is no money to buy enough. I have been able to go to the doctor, but without having money to buy medicines or have tests done, which requires gathering and even making family collections.

I learned to give up my tastes, which for some are normal, but for me they became eccentricities, I learned to settle for the elementary, or the basic. Visits to bookstores are over.

This also coincides with a period of my life where I am already retired, which implies that I do not have to buy many clothes to work, and maintain a simple way of dressing with long-lasting clothes.

At this time what I receive in money is only for food, it is forbidden to get sick and I am not exaggerating, because a medical consultation does not go below $40 and the price of medicines is exorbitant.

While I write I am helping my grandson paint, he asks me for help and I answer him and he says: "Do you have powers?" I liked that question. I think that in my country, we all have powers, that we have acquired the ability to be well despite anything.

Grieving is not in my plans, thanking is the obligatory word. Every day has to be good because yes, regardless of all the factors that insist on making it bitter. It is my personal proposal to be happy with what I have.


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