Silver bloggers community, how I discovered  and my thoughts about it.

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I remember when I first joined the Hive six months ago. After my self introduction, I was encouraged by my sister @lhes to join this lovely community. Though she herself is not yet a member, she's been friends with @tengolotodo and that's how she knows about it.

At first I was having second thoughts because I'm worried that I cannot relate that much and cannot interact with the post . After all the encouragement, I was finally convinced. ( I can't thank them enough for this). After I subscribed and published my first blog here I was overwhelmed by the warm welcome I received from this community.


My first blog shared on the community and my second on the blockchain.

Upon reading the blogs here I got to know that it's fun and useful to interact. You can learn a lot by reading through the blogs. They are fun and full of knowledge. It's really amazing on how they look at the bright side of life. Every experience and milestone that they shared leaves a knowledge of how to deal with life. Whether it's smooth or tough.


This post is in celebration with the 3rd year anniversary of the @silverbloggers and in connection with miss @lizelle questions for her surprise giveaways at Celebration time! We are three- Happy Birthday Silverbloggers.

I liked to publish not only some but most of my blogs here for I always like to see how they comment and react. I like to visit and always come back here because I love reading blogs, especially memoir stories. It gives a lot of motivation on how they overcome all the struggles and hardships in life. It's like preparing you for what the future brings.


Happy 3rd birthday silver bloggers. Cheers to many more years to come.♥️🥰

To know about the recent celebration you may check @lizelle post HERE

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