Meet me halfway along the road to share my life with

Good day everyone, I'm Asia from Philippines. I was born in a place where people are a bit conservative and have eye with each other, people that can't mind their own business, but busy minding other people's lives, a place where judgemental people live and exist. I'm the type of person that cares less about what's happening, an easygoing immature person and doesn't want to be corrected. I never listen to anyone and take life easy. I'm always curious about everything and it didn't lead me to the right path. I made a lot of mistakes, and I ended up being a mother at a young age. I faced all the criticism as expected. People look down on me and gossip, but I remain unbothered. My family wasn't happy with what I've become, they were angry,disappointed and frustrated, but they never left my side or maybe they don't have a choice because I have nowhere to run to. It still didn't stop me from exploring and I took it as a challenge


We all know that being a mother is never easy and it landed me to where I am now. I took a lot of strength and courage to leave my family and try my luck in a foreign country


It's where I learnt how difficult life could be, it could sometimes be unfair and draining but you must keep going.. I faced all the upside down of life, all the struggles, heartaches, hardship, but I keep going. I cried everyday coz of the longing to see my family, I want to drag out the days just to see them again, and it's where depression struck me, from the time I wake up and the moment I close my eyes, all I can think is going home, and at that time when I can no longer hold on,when I was about to give up, when I see no hope, then someone advised me to pray, pray hard and trust to HIM. That's what I did and HE never fails me.. it cleared up my mind slowly., and like they said nothing is permanent, everything is temporary, and so is my depression. I got over it, got used to it, and learned to ignore it. I learned to adapt slowly.


I began to rebuild myself and look forward to the bright side of life. I think of all my goals in life and the reason why I chose to come here. It was never easy, but not a reason to give up. Everything happens for a reason. Life sometimes may knock us, but we should take it as a challenge to build ourselves. We all have our own problems and difficulties in life, and have our own ways of dealing with it, but it shouldn't be a reason to give up, nor to hinder us from continuing. As for me, I'm still the same person that takes life easy, a restless soul that loves challenges, and is willing to take the risk just to fulfill my curiosity. Even though sometimes it still comes and visits me( depression) and stays with me for a while, I was not as affected as before, I try to divert my attention and thoughts on some happy memories and back when the times when my life was not complicated. I learned to live with it. but the greatest reason why I survived was because of HIM. He's my only weapon during those times that I felt so down and depressed.. As of now I'm looking forward to a brighter future.. It's still a long way to go but I believe there's nothing that I cannot overcome with HIM by my side..
A special thanks to @Wittyzell and @lhes for encouraging me to write and share my life and journey here in Singapore

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