Larry is Alive - November 23, 2023 - Day 63


Hey Hivers,

The streak is Alive! Once again, it almost didn't happen, but again better late than never! As often, the clicking and surfing started during the night, and because I knew Thursday might be busy (and possibly lazy) during the day, I made sure to make my snapshots before going to bed. I thought I would come back for the last 2 locations. But even if the weather was really not like the photo above (from last week end), I spent as much time outdoors as possible, and even after nightfall, I really didn't feel like spending time online, and I stayed away from my computer all day. So in the end, Larry is Alive and delivers at only 4 locations. Let's quickly follow him on his route, and check all the details.


The Hunt for Larry


It's the same every week at Listnerds for now, we only visit for the Thursday contest. Too many problems on the site, and too few actual emails among all the spam. So anyways, here is the proof of completion for today:



I clicked quite a lot at LeadsLeap, but to be safe, I snapped my proof of completion after 100 clicks:




I tried the same at TrafficAdBar, but overshot a little bit:



We were more careful at CTPX, and did snap the proof of completion at 100:


There was more Xploring involved of course, and that allowed me to won two of the CTP drawings:


    Infinity Traffic Boost

I had surfed maybe 80 pages or so when I stopped for the night at Infinity Traffic Boost, but I thought I would snap my proof of completion after maxing out at 100 as usual. Except that like I said, I didn't make it back before Midnight. Too late.

    Free Advertising For You

Free Advertising For You was also supposed to be done during the day, so not this week.


Well, a very short one today, but once again (it's starting to be a theme...) it is very late, and I have many things to finish before bed, even though I need to get up super early. Even if I don't get up, I am pretty sure the contractors replacing the roof will be quite loud and will for sure wake me up. I guess that will be another 2 hours or less night. Such a bad habit that I can never shake! The good news is that Larry is Alive!

Happy hunting to y'all and see you next time!
And finally, for anybody that would like to know more about what this hunt is all about, here's the link again with all the details.

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