Larry is Alive - June 29, 2023 - Day 43


Hey Hivers,

In spite of the haze still enveloping the neighborhood and the surrounding cities, and all the air quality alerts, Larry and I went on the road again today for a hunt, to keep the weekly streak going. That's three Thursdays in a row now! By the way, crazy how these wildfires all the way in Quebec can affect the entire Midwest so much. I read somewhere the smoke plume even went as far as Europe! Anyways, Larry is not fazed and very much Alive, once again he delivers everywhere! Without any more delays, let's follow him on his route and check all the details.


The Hunt for Larry


As always, we made our first stop at Listnerds. I mentioned this a few times already, but sorting through all the spam becomes quite tedious. The vast majority of the emails are simply the same links to traffic exchanges. Luckily, there are still a few good links to Hive content, and of course that is what I am interested in. Anyways, here is the proof of completion for today:



I think I have the routine down for the next stop at LeadsLeap. I just start the clicking late at night, usually while checking out Hive or multi-tasking other online activities. Then I just need to snap the proof of completion before Noon my local time, when their server resets to the next day. And here it is for today:




At the next stop TRAFFICadbar, there is still something I don't understand in their dashboard: how can the points in the last three months always be zero, when the points for today or this month are not zero? Am I missing something obvious here? Anyways, here is the proof of completion for today:



The Xploration at the next stop CTPX was also done at night mostly. I think it actually makes it easier to win the drawings, as possibly there is less people around when I am. Not a huge number of sites visited, but all in the same hour, optimizing the number of drawing tickets. And indeed, I won the drawing with over 50CTP rewards! 7am UTC means 3am for me, like I said, night Xploration is the best...


And here is the proof of completion for the contest:


    Infinity Traffic Boost

Not much to add for the next stop Infinity Traffic Boost, just maxed out the number of pages surfed. Sometimes I wish they would allow more pages, even without the paid upgrade, but I would probably spend too much time there. Here is the proof of completion for today:


    Free Advertising For You

And as always, we saved Free Advertising For You for last. We always start with lots of solo ads there, then move on to Block Ads, clicking many of the banner ads we see on the way. This time, I didn't miss the extra prizes on the block ads, and that was an additional 10000 credits. Here is the proof of completion:


I like it when they have enough Block Ads for me to qualify for all the daily contests:



And that is it, another successful hunt: Larry is Alive and delivers everywhere! It seems once again the weather forecast was wrong and it may not be as hot as they indicated. Like I said, it is as hazy as it can though. So not sure if we will go for our usual long walk with Kaia. I need to check if air quality affects dogs more or less than humans. We'll go for a walk for sure, but maybe I will keep it shorter than usual and go for a bike ride instead. Too many choices, I might end up just chilling in front of the TV... again...

Happy hunting to y'all and see you next time!
And finally, for anybody that would like to know more about what this hunt is all about, here's the link again with all the details.

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