Larry is Alive - December 14, 2023 - Day 66


Hey Hivers,

A very short one today, just to keep the Larry is Alive Thursday streak alive! Most of the post was actually ready many hours ago, but I just didn't get to finish it. I have some travelling coming up soon, and that means more chances to miss one day, so I really couldn't skip today. Same place as last week for the cover pic, but a slightly different angle, and a very different sunset, with a much clearer sky. But let's not waste any more time, Larry is Alive and delivers at five locations. Let's quickly follow him on his route, and check all the details.


The Hunt for Larry


No change at Listnerds, I now visit only for the Thursday Larry is Alive contest, and that's about it. Here is the proof of completion for today:



Pretty good clicking day at LeadsLeap with over 200 clicks before 2am (well of course, on their server, the new day starts at 11am my time). Here is the proof of completion:




Good surfing day at TrafficAdBar too with almost 250 sites visited:



Even better at CTPX with 333 (half devil 🤘!!) sites Xplored and 2 CTP drawings won! And it was also an Xtreme day, even better! Here is the proof of completion:


    Infinity Traffic Boost

Just the usual at Infinity Traffic Boost where I maxed out the number of pages surfed at 100. I noticed some changes in their dashboard page layout, there may be some upcoming changes I didn't read about. I will check later. Here is the proof of completion:


    Free Advertising For You

And no Free Advertising For You today. When I don't do it right away with the other stops, there is a significant chance I will never do. And that's what happened again today.


And that is it, another successful hunt with Larry. We missed the last stop but we got the other five. It is now getting quite late once again, and it seems I fell back into my bad habit. I need to figure out a way to force me to go to sleep at night!

Happy hunting to y'all and see you next time!
And finally, for anybody that would like to know more about what this hunt is all about, here's the link again with all the details.

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