Alive & Thriving Restful Sunday : Enjoyed an Afternoon Nap (Tracking Hive Goals Weekly) || AATYr5 || LarryIsAlive


Now it's Sunday! Last night I treated myself to a few hours of the cooling system. It was the start of my day off after all. I'm happy to have a good night's sleep. Since it's day off, I usually get up later than my usual (Mon - Sat). It's funny 'coz the kitties were peeking in my bedroom like they were making sure I'm still around. Bon even got up on the bed and made his soft meowing sound in an attempt to wake me up. I was awake but just enjoying lying in bed for a few more minutes. 😆 I love it that my kitties are pretty well behaved and they know to respect my sleeping time. 😻 I guess it's 'coz I also make it a point not to disturb them when they're sleeping.


Some time in the afternoon, I felt too sleepy that I made a decision to take a nap. I don't usually take afternoon naps, so as not to disrupt my night sleep. I just couldn't help it earlier. 🤣 It was a good nap and I felt refreshed after that. 😊

Alive&Thriving Sunday : Share Your Hive Goals

Here are the updated figures for the week:
Hive Power: 13,352.219 --> 13,377.094
HBD Savings: 162.643 --> same
Alive Power: 146.893 (liquid) ; staked 41.4K; 22K delegated --> 170.139 (liquid) ; staked 41.5K; 22K delegated
ALIVEM: 24.916 --> same
AWESOME: 13.681 --> 13.686
STARBITS: 1281822 --> 1286344
SIM: 83448.771 --> 83569.897

LEN:LENM = 43.314 --> 44.149
ALIVE:ALIVEM = 472.617 --> 475.661

Small growth overall but that's better than no growth at all. 😝 My position on the LEN:LENM pool dropped a few. I guess more folks got into the pool above me. 😅 I did climb a little on the ALIVE:ALIVEM pool. 😉 For the week, I didn't spend on rising star game cards as I got enough fans to do my millionaire mission.

No updates from @flaxz for the week. I hope he gets to come up with reports soon. I keep busy with @aliveandthriving curation. I try and finish the same time daily but there are days when I'm busier. Sometimes, I'm working up more motivation so I'll have more positive energy as I read posts. 😅

Onwards to my #LarryIsAlive quest...


Let me recap my quest for today... (6/6)

LN - daily goal completed for the challenge 👍 weekly goal has reset and now at 13%.. will it be completed at the end of the week?

CTPX - missed my first stop so I got to do a bit more sites for today 😅 look I have two wins from yesterday but I messed up with the editing of the screenshot 😂

LL - daily surf and convert done 👍 I'm near my payout. Perhaps just a few more days (less than week)..

TAB - minimum daily surf today got me more points 😮 I must have found some bonus points 😁

FAFY - only did my two usual activities and reached 555 reward points 👍

ITB - completed my five shares again today 👍

screenshots from my quest can be found below...




>>> What's new? : Check out CTPX










Infinity Traffic Boost


I'm writing this later than usual as I decided to clean the guinea pig cage first. Now I'm resting as that activity could be quite tiring for me. Plus, I usually feel more hip pain after it. Best to sit and rest for the night after the clean up. 😁


Need to sleep earlier as the receipts have not been claimed by the delivery staff last Saturday afternoon. Someone will probably come up earlier in the morning to get them. 🙄 Oh well.. 🤣 All righty, time to wrap things up. Nighty night from Manila. See you on my next post tomorrow. Ta-tah! 👋


credits for the new signature : @stdd

My books are now available:


Never Bother


Don't You Cry No More

DYCNM Book cover design by @viking-ventures
More credits: Commissioned Cover 1, part 3 - Viking Visual Art Tutorial
NB Book cover design by @ilovewintergem

I'm on HIVE 'coz of:

My main affiliate program ===> ClickTrackProfit

Documenting my life's journey:

My main blog ===> Fresh Start

Follow my channel on LBRY ===> @lifeingeneral

BTC address: 1A6X3avHQ3FqPyxMBxdJnzHe7iBBvKugHB

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