Larry Is Alive #039 I Am Alive Challenge

Hello everyone. I hope we are all fine? Today is Friday and the weekend is here upon us. Yippee!!!!

Do you know that on this day in 2021, at the age of 82, American hedge fund manager Bernie Madoff, who ran the biggest Ponzi scam in history, passed away in a federal jail. That Ponzi scheme was known as MMM which stands for Mavrodi Mundial Movement.

Again, on this day in 2014, more than 275 girls were abducted from a boarding school in Chibok, Borno State, Nigeria, by the Islamic extremist group Boko Haram, which drew condemnation from all across the world. It also sparked the famous movement known as BringBackOurGirls champoined by Oby Ezekwesili.

Onward to the Larry hunt...

Larry the postman as usual went about his duties delivering mails and am sure you know you can also get paid for just finding him. On my path, I hunted and found Larry in ti places, that is, at Listnerds and Leadsleap.


With my hunt at Listnerds I read over ten mails to complete the task. Some of the interesting mails I read include the following:


For my hunt for Larry at Leadsleap, I surfed over ten mails to complete the task. Here is my proof too.


I couldn't hunt for Larry in CTPX because my account is temporarily having some issues. I have contacted support and i hope it will be resolved soon anyway.

You can also join us at CTPX with my referral link

That's all for now so keep hunting for Larry the Postman and am sure you will definitely get paid.

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