HBD Saving Progress - Added some more HBD in Saving...

Hello all Hive friends

Hope all is good at your end.

Along with my Hive Power I am concentrating on #Leo, #HBD, #CTP and #Alive token. For this year I am expecting thatvthe Leo Power will be more then 3k, CTP power will be more then 100k and Alive Power will be more then 50k. For HBD I have set target of 2k HBD in saving. Last year I have put 1K HBD in saving and most of the HBD in saving was from different vae play earnings.


HBD Saving earrings

Till now I have 1179.5 HBD into saving. With the addition of 19.471 HBD now the new figure is slightly more then 1198 HBD.

When I clicked on claim button all the reaning automatically goes to saving. It is very important to claim on time otherwise you will loose the intrest on small part you left without claim. From a quick calculation I come to know that if I do not claim on time then I lam loosing 0.33 HBD per month, whih js approximately 0.011 HBD per day. So be on time is profitabe even its a small value.

To achieve the target of 2k HBD saving I need 802 HBD, which means required aprox 100 HBD every month. The interest earned is slightly more the 19 HBD for one month so after substracting the same the final HBD required are 81 HBD per month. The calculation shows that needed aprx 2.7 HBD per day form the post earning.

If we check the price trend of HBD in past month then we come to know that the price is almost stable near at peg value of $1, with a small variation of $0.03 up or down.

[Source](ecency dapp)

HBD in saving earned 20% intrest which is kneof nest as per my knowledge. One important thing is the 20% intrste is on a stable coin which means we can expect not much variation in price. Keep in mind that HBD is pegged go $1. If you dont know them I would like to add that the one HBD os alway equal to the $1 worth of Hive. So if the price of Hive goes down yku will get more hive and If hive price goes up you will get less Hive in convestion from HBD to Hive.

What are your views/choice let us know in the comments section.

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