Hive Open Mic -馃幎 Week N掳 200- "Candelaria Hermosa" (Serenata para @fernanblog) Cover By @elioe and her maracas馃巹[ENG-SPA]

Esta es una publicaci贸n biling眉e. La versi贸n en castellano se encuentra al final del post

.A year has 52 weeks, so reaching 200 weeks means that Hive Open Mic has been active for 3 years (52 脳 3: 156) and 44 weeks. In 8 more weeks (2 months) he will complete the 4 years.

This platform is a true blessing story in many ways for all of us who participate here. God bless and grant many lights to all those who work to make it possible for this event to extend over time.

Today, with the collaboration of some of my colleagues from the musical group "Venezuelan Power" - which was born here at Hive Open Mic - I bring you a song that marks the conclusion of Christmas in Venezuela.

On February 2, the Catholic liturgy reminds us of the moment when the Child Jesus was presented in the temple according to the tradition of the Jewish religion that his parents professed. It is also the day of the Virgin of La Candelaria - patron saint of the Canary Islands -, a dark-skinned Virgin. This day, as I said previously, marks the conclusion of Christmas.
At Mass we sing party bonuses that we will no longer play in the church until the Christmas novena arrives and with it the bonus Masses.
What is coming now is the secular carnival festival that concludes on Shrove Tuesday.
The next day is a penitential day: Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning of Lent, a 40-day period that precedes Holy Week, preparation for the greatest festival: Easter.
Our recent Spotlight Artist @jesuslnrs, proposes the theme "Virtual Serenade". Precisely he and @fernanblog promoted our beginnings as a band and I dedicate this song to @fernanblog.

This video is another production of the Musical Group "Venezuelan Power" (Name devised by @fernanblog. At his suggestion and that of our dear friend @jesuslnrs we were looking for a name and among all the suggested ones this was the one we liked the most) In this video They accompanied me participating in alphabetical order: @hermaryrc Choirs, setting, @orlandobello Percussion
@sayury Choirs, four Venezuelans, publication of the post.

Versi贸n en castellano

Un a帽o tiene 52 semanas, as铆 que estar cumpliendo 200 semanas se traduce en que Hive Open Mic ha estado activo por 3 a帽os (52 脳 3: 156) y 44 semanas. En 8 semanas m谩s (2 meses) completar谩 los 4 a帽os.

Esta plataforma es una verdadera bendici贸n en muchos sentidos para todos los que participamos ac谩. Dios bendiga y les conceda muchas luces a todos los que trabajan para hacer posible que este evento se extienda en el tiempo.

Hoy, con la colaboraci贸n de algunos de mis compa帽eros de la agrupaci贸n musical "Venezuelan Power" - que naci贸 ac谩 en Hive Open Mic - les traigo una canci贸n que marca la conclusi贸n de la Navidad en Venezuela.

El 2 de febrero la liturgia cat贸lica nos recuerda el momento en que el Ni帽o Jes煤s fue presentado en el templo seg煤n la tradici贸n de la religi贸n jud铆a que profesaba sus padres. Es tambi茅n el d铆a de la Virgen de La Candelaria - patrona de las Islas Canarias - , una Virgen morena. Este d铆a, comodije anteriormente, marca la conclusi贸n de la Navidad.
En la Misa cantamos aguinaldos de parranda que ya no tocaremos m谩s en la iglesia hasta que llegue la novena de Navidad y con ella las Misas de aguinaldo.
Ya lo que viene ahora es la fiesta profana del carnaval que concluye el martes de carnaval.
Al d铆a siguiente es d铆a penitencial: Mi茅rcoles de Ceniza que marca el inicio de la Cuaresma, periodo 40 d铆as que antecede a la Semana Santa, preparaci贸n para la fiesta m谩s grande: la Pascua de Resurrecci贸n.
Nuestro reciente Artista destacado @jesuslnrs, propone la tem谩tica "Serenata Virtual". Precisamente 茅l y @fernanblog impulsaron nuestros inicios como banda y dedico esta canci贸n a @fernanblog.

Este video es otra producci贸n de la Agrupaci贸n Musical "Venezuelan Power" (Nombre ideado por @fernanblog. Por sugerencia suya y de nuestro estimado amigo @jesuslnrs estuvimos buscando un nombre y entre todos los sugeridos fue este el que mas nos gust贸) En este video me acompa帽aron participando por orden alfab茅tico: @hermaryrc Coros, ambientaci贸n, @orlandobello Percusi贸n
@sayury Coros, cuatro venezolano, publicaci贸n del post.

This video is another production of the Musical Group "Venezuelan Power" (Name devised by @fernanblog. At his suggestion and that of our dear friend @jesuslnrs we were looking for a name and among all the suggested ones this was the one we liked the most)

In this video they accompanied me by participating in alphabetical order:

@hermaryrc Chorus, setting @orlandobello Percussion
@sayury Choirs, Venezuelan Cuatro, publication of the post.

***El material fotogr谩fico y audiovisual expuesto en 茅sta publicaci贸n es de mi propiedad y fue capturado con un m贸vil Samsung J2 Prime.

Edici贸n de las im谩genes y video con el programa inshot

Traductor empleado: Google***

The photographic and audiovisual material exposed in this publication is my property and was captured with a Samsung J2 Prime mobile.

Edition of the image and v铆deo with the programs inshot

Employee translator: Google***

--- Como un obsequio musical muy especial les presento "Candelaria Hermosa" interpretada por la agrupaci貌n "Un S贸lo Pueblo"

As a very special musical gift I present to you "Candelaria hermosa" performed by the group "Un S贸lo Pueblo" (One People)

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