Greetings hivers. It's feels good to be among everyone here. My name is Delight Wayne from Imo state but I'm currently living in abịa State Nigeria. I was born to a family of 4 children with me being the third child of my parents. An eldest which is a female, seconded by a male and then me with my junior brother. I was born on the 11th day of August and i represent the Leo♌. I school as a student nurse in abịa state and well, so far its been good to be a nurse. I love coding html and css writing articles, and I'm in love with music but i don't do gaming, footballs but i love exercise


well, my hobbies are:-
  • Coding

  • Helping others

  • Dancing

  • Cooking

  • Watching anime

  • Reading

  • Writing

  • Solving issues mostly relationship issues, I'm actually a counselor

  • Travelling

  • Music(hiphopl with my favorite musician being Eminem.. toy soldiers and til' i collapse by Eminem are the songs that motivates me when I'm sober or about giving up in anything.


I finished my primary school in Kaduna State Nigeria atbthr age of 9 and i proceeded to Abuja to continue with my secondary school. Before taking WAEC, i was deliberate to study nursing. When i choosed to be a nurse, i was discouraged by some people around, they said "nursing is a dirty job," advicing me to go for banking and finance or something that has to do with making cash with just a pen and paper but i refused because I really love being a nurse. One of the things that attracted me to being a nurse is that nurses are versatile in the sense that they have broad knowledge of their surrounding.. i actually love helping others, and i love acquiring knowledge from any source possible, that's why I went into nursing.


The journey of being a nurse hasn't been easy, before i entered into nursing school, i wrote a nursing entrance exam at imo state Nigeria, i got admission into the school but when i saw the prospectus, i had no option but to give up as the prospectus was almost a million naira. The main reason i gave up was that after paying this huge sum, the student will be tested with an exams after the first six months, if the student fails, he/she will have to vacate the school but if he/she passes, they'll continue until after graduating.


I left the school in disappointment after wasting a huge sum and went in search for another school in 2021 which i got, i wrote the entrance exams and got admission, but this in in this school, their fees weren't as much as the former. I paid for the fees, wrote the exams after the first six months and i passed. Currently, I just finished writing my promotional exams to second year and it feels good that I'll be finishing by 2024 as this is a three years course.




I'm a guy who is willing to learn at all cost.
As said before, my passion to be a nurse is really unquenchable. One thing i love about being a nurse so far is because i help others and at the same time gain finance and blessings from my patients.


Well, lemme just say I'm a curious or should I say inquisitive type.. i wasn't introduced to hive by no one, i found hive from researchs i made. I was hearing online( in my WhatsApp) about decentralized social media platforms and i decided to look it up online. I carried out tons of research. I decided to make research about hive because i felt more secured and reassured when i saw it online. Initially, i doubting it's ability as said online due to the scams these days but was convinced by research made. One of the things that made me want to continue with hive is it's decentralization, making everyone actively participate in the day to day running of the platform
From the look of things, hive is actually a great place to be and i look forward in gaining more experience at the same time make more friends from all over the world

Basically, as a medical practioner, i hope to share medical knowledge with everyone, hence I'll be making posts that has to do with health because "health is wealth." Also, i hope to meet new people from all over the world and if possible become friends. I also want to help the community grow at all cost by introducing new people who don't have knowledge of hive and by being actively involved in the activities of hive. I currently have a very little knowledge about hive and I will appreciate if someone guide me through my stay here.. Thank you


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