Corona Virus outbreak is Trending: Should I be worried?


It is just like pneumonia they said, China can contain it they said. Oh well, here we are, a few months later and things don't look so good and from what I'm hearing, it is spreading. I'm trying not to be paranoid but damn, it's hard not to be.

According to mainstream media, there have been recorded cases in the Middle East, Europe and America. None in Africa or at least officially recorded, so we're safe for now or think we are at least. That doesn't mean we're not paranoid though.

I mean, for the first time in a long time, I'm sort of glad I'm living in Nigeria and believe me when i say that it is a tough thing to say. We're still relatively safe from contact with the virus but WHO has actually urged "Africa" to prepare for impact. There's no easier way to put it but if the outbreak gets to Africa, we're fucked.

I have pride in my country and believe we will be great in the future but let's face it if a world power like China can't contain it, what are our chances? We're not ready for you, please stay away Corona.

Took a stroll through Twitter land where I spend my time shilling Steem and what do I find? Paranoid people tweeting about the virus with the tag #Coronavirusoutbreak trending with over 90K tweets and rising.

@adetorrent has already packed his bags.

Staying within Africa and a little bit closer to home, Nigeria along with Egypt, Algeria, South Africa(Watch out @penderis) and a couple other African countries are among the countries with "importation risk" based on flight data.

Now I like to stress that I'm not mongering paranoia but just trying to let you know that perhaps "Africa" may not be safe haven you think it to be. We have horrible leaders, in a horrible system and believe me when I say, in Nigeria, our health care is solely dependent on God. I'm not making this up.

The virus is transmitted in pretty much the same way common cold is transmitted so crowded places should be avoided to the utmost. If you're like me and have always lived your life like people are viruses then you're probably safe by nature.

To @lordbutterfly, @trumpman and every other European reading this out there, stay safe, stay hydrated and if you feel your body's not right, please go to a Doctor, DO NOT search for "symptoms of Corona Virus", I intentionally left it out because it will screw up your head. Trust me!!

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