How Long Should A Church Service Last?

__________Since Covid struck, I haven't been in a physical church. I always just stream live and send offering via transfer. It grew on me. So much so that when churches opened back fully, I preferred to stay back and stream.

A friend invited me over to his church sometime last year and the service lasted for over eight hours. I couldn't believe it. It was an interesting service but mehn, it was long! There were no breaks, no food was shared (I guess since they were serving up food of the spirit, we didn't need physical meals), no drinks were shared either. I was shocked cos the members seemed accustomed to the duration and service - they were engrossed.

Growing up, we never used to eat before we went for service because my father believed for you to receive God's word, you'd be more receptive when your stomach was empty. Lol we did that for over 10 years - so it wasn't a big deal anymore. We'd get to church by 8, have Bible study, go to our individual classes and be done with everything by 12pm. The family would meet up at a designated place and then proceed to go home - we could spend over two hours in traffic 😅😅. You'd think there'd be food waiting at home but no, my mother loved to make fresh meals every Sunday.

So off to the kitchen everyone to hasten the preparation of the meal so that you can finally break your fast. That's what growing up was like. _When I'd leave home for college and attend service that lasted two hours, three at most - I'd be amazed. _So it's possible to be concise and direct with the word? You mean it's actually possible? If at all you want to make your sermon a series, let it continue another Sunday.

Why would one sit still for eight hours? I guess I shouldn't be measuring time because when you're in God's presence, that's all that should matter. Right? Still, I can't shake this feeling.

Today, I went to the same church and it seems someone must have pointed this issue out because it lasted for 5 hours instead 😅 My sister claims it's still too long for a church service.

Is she wrong? What's right? Is the wisdom of man foolishness in the eyes of God?

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