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Yesterday's discussion set the stage for what we're talking about today - understanding more precisely how the Higgs field gives mass to particles, and unlocking the fundamental mysteries of physics. Let's start with Galileo's principle of relativity.

First, Galileo's principle of relativity denied the existence of an absolutely stationary frame of reference in the universe. This means that the Higgs field cannot be some kind of "thick soup" that fills the universe, as the common analogy suggests, because that would make it itself an absolutely static frame of reference.

Secondly, we need to understand what quality is. In general, the definition of mass that we think of chemically refers to the amount of substance. Although Newton in his mechanics had the insight that mass was a description of the magnitude of inertia, he still adopted the definition of mass as the amount of matter. Einstein derived a subversive conclusion from his special theory of relativity: mass and energy are equivalent, known as the mass-energy equation E=mc^2.

This energy refers to the energy contained within objects, and the formula tells us that increasing the internal energy of objects by compressing or stretching a spring or charging a cell phone also increases their mass. However, since the energy needs to be divided by the square of the speed of light (an extremely large number), changes in mass in these everyday phenomena are almost invisible.

Another popular and imaginative example helps to understand this: our bodies are made up of atoms, which in turn are made up of electrons, protons, neutrons and quarks. If mass is defined in the usual sense, the mass of the body should be equal to the total mass of all the electrons and quarks in the body. However, the fact is that the combined mass of all the electrons and quarks in our body is less than one percent of our own weight. If mass were the amount of matter, our bodies would be as light as paper and would float up when the wind blows. Why? Because the vast majority of our body mass comes from the mass of the nucleus, and the mass of the nucleus is not the sum of the masses of the quarks it contains, but the energy that fuses them into protons and neutrons through strong interactions, and fuses them into the nucleus. Think of the strong interaction as a powerful spring holding the quarks together, and most of our energy and mass comes from the energy stored in these "tight springs."

With these basic insights, coupled with another fundamental fact in quantum mechanics, we can delve into how the Higgs field imparts mass to elementary particles. Welcome to the realm of quantum mechanics! In this case, are atoms, electrons, protons, quarks, and photons really particles? Quantum mechanics tells us that these microscopic particles only behave like particles in certain situations, but in fact they are all waves, no different from the waves we see in everyday life. In the same way that the fluctuating strings of a violin produce sound waves, the surface of the water under the wind produces waves, particles also exhibit the properties of waves.

Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his quantum theory of light, a discovery that explains the photoelectric effect, in which light is both a wave and a particle. Photons travel at the speed of light and therefore have no rest mass, but still have energy. Energy can be expressed by a simple formula: energy is equal to its vibration frequency multiplied by Planck's constant E=hv. Since energy is equal to mass, and energy is equal to vibration frequency, a simple logical deduction follows: mass is vibration. However, this simple syllogistic logic opens up the imagination that everything, including ourselves, may have no real entity, but is nothing more than a bunch of vibrations. In poetic terms, the world is like a symphony played by the basic physical field, elegant and ethereal, and this worldview is in line with the Buddhist worldview of "impermanence" and "emptiness".

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